List Reasons Why YOU Would NEVER Go Back To The "Truth"

by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    Here's my list:

    1) It's a very scary place (the people appear to be...I don't know...brainwashed? mind-controlled? zombie-like? weird? demonized?)

    2) I've gotten used to thinking on my own

    3) I've gotten used to sleeping in on Sunday mornings

    4) I'd have to purchase a new 4-door sedan

    5) I would die an early death due to boredom

  • Finally-Free
    1) It's a very scary place (the people appear to be...I don't know...brainwashed? mind-controlled? zombie-like? weird? demonized?)

    I always thought their eyes looked vacant, like there was nothing behind them.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I Would NEVER Go Back To The "Truth" because:

    I enjoy independent thinking.

    I hate the loaded language, calling each other Brother Smith and Sister Jones. It's just
    John and Jane.

    there really is a hierarchy, and I truly hated having my butt kissed and kissing others' just the same.

    I already finished reading at an eight-year-old level.

    weekends were made for having fun and getting personal errands finished.

    I would be expected to wear a tie.

    the "Truth" I learned was different from the "truth" my mother learned, and it is different again from
    the "truth" being taught to new ones, today. I was left behind by 1995.

    the elders really aren't good at what they are supposed to do.

    field service; I think those two words say it all.

  • lovelylil

    Because now I know the "truth" is really a lie and Jesus has set me free. Lilly

  • Blueblades

    Reasons: Who is Jehovah that I should worship him? Who is Jesus that I should put faith in him? Who or What is The Holy Spirit, Person or Inactive Force that I should rely on It / Him?

    What Is "TRUTH"? There are many more reasons, these are the most important ones to me.


  • MadTiger

    Refer to The Lost Generation thread.

  • lfcviking

    1. Because its not the true religion if there even is one.

    2. Because its depressing.

    3. Because i've got better things to do.

    4. Because i've already lost 6 years of my life to it and don't want to loose anymore.

    5. Because i can't stand all the pretense involved in it.

    6. Because i don't want to worship the Watchtower the Bible's version of God.

    7. Because i don't want to give anymore money to a book publishing company.

    8. Because i can't stand the overbearing amount of control it has over your life.

    9. Because i'm sick of wearing suits.

    10. Because i'm sick of giving ungrateful whingeing arseholes lifts to the KH.

    11. I hated doorbashing every Sunday morning.

    12. Because i'm sick of hearing all the gossiping & backstabbing.

    13. Because it's not true Christianity.

    14. Because i'm enjoying my life too much as it is now.

    15. Because i just love black pudding.

    16. And i love getting pissed

    16. And suits never suited me anyway

    17. And i'd rather worship Liverpool FC. Wayyyheyyyyyyyyy.

  • eclipse

    Because I would be amongst the fakest people that ever walked the planet.

    Fake love

    Fake spiritual food

    Fake concern

    Fake smiles

    Fake beliefs based on manmade opinion.

    Rules without reason

    Rules without love

    Two-faced hypocrites


    Control of Thoughts

    Control of feelings

    Loveless shunning of family/friends

    Deaths due to blood loss

    Leader's (GB) never accepting responsibility for errors yet demanding total compliance and obedience to rules.

    I would rather poke my eyes out than have to sit through even one meeting.

  • journey-on

    Let me add one more:

    Because I would rather die at Armageddon than shun and disown my precious children and my most precious grand babies.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Because I could never read these Minimus Threads and I would have to shun
    all these wonderful people here.

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