Refuting the Practice of Shunning
by Dead Man Joaquin 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Paul was as much inspired by spirit as the GB are. Not to mention, who was it that decided what books should eb included in the bIble? That's right! THe good old Catholics and they had no agenda right? Please! Thanks for your replies... I fugured penis lopping would get a laugh or two.
I fugured penis lopping would get a laugh or two
Hey! When you can't spell, you gotta get creative.....
Dawg, I have always had some serious Paul issues myself, and I think over the last few months, you have shown me maybe a little more specifically why his 'teachings' made me so uncomfortable.
Where does it say you can't attend study meetings in private homes?
Good Question.
If the man in Corinth wasn't allowed, then he got 'reinstated' without attending meetings.
Watchtower 1970 June 1 pp.351-352 "Yet, there might be some absolutely necessary family matters requiring communication, such as legalities over a will or property. But the disfellowshiped relative should be made to appreciate that his status has changed, that he is no longer welcome in the home nor is he a preferred companion."
God, do you have any idea how this kills me? Makes my blood boil. Because of the way my family treated me over my grandmother's memorial service, I didn't end up going.
It was THEY who then realized that THEIR status in MY life had changed and THEY were no longer welcome in MY life.
Sorry to yell. but that just makes my blood boil. Thanks again JW facts for reminding me of yet another reason I won't ever go back to their vomit.
Preferred companions. I'd have settled for common human decency, but apparently my JW relatives weren't even capable of offering that.
What gets me too is that my child has had to suffer the fallout of my being shunned- while the person making a point of shunning me constantly hangs out with her 'worldly' relatives who live extremely immoral lives- by Jerry Springer standards I mean. I got to lose my whole family for divorcing a man who abused me and marrying one that treats myself and my child like gold. 10 years later, my family still shuns me.
Because I won't go back and beg for forgiveness for getting away from an ABUSER.
It'll be a cold day in hell before I'll ever ask any of them to 'forgive' me for anything. If anything, they are the ones who should be asking, for throwing me to the wolves when I was just trying to get out alive.
The Watchtower claims that the practice of shunning is/was:
1) Scripturally tenable;
2) Practiced by early Christians.
How would you refute the above statements?
The WT claims whatever it wants or suits them at the moment. Shunning is not new as it is practised by many cultures and hardly finds backing in the bible or the teachings attributed to Jesus.
Think about the WT stand on Tattoo's. Regardless of your opinion of the practice, forbidding it is "scripturally tenable". Is that enough? Reading the scripture behind that stand reveals that the preceding verses forbid mixing different thread. So if you wish to be fair or true to the principle, then cotton and poly blended clothing is out!
But that is ridiculous! Just as ridiculous as arguing shunning from the practice of selective proof texting from the bible.
Lot's of things were "practiced" by early Christians. This is not a fair assertion to make. Just because they thought, taught, believed or lived a certain way does not make it binding on us. This is a WT special pleading argument that it uses when it is convenient.
They approved of and practiced slavery!
If you want to see an essay comparing the practice of JW's and compared argument by argument and scripture by scripture, then PM me your email addy and I will fire it off to you.
Many of the things said here so far are showing it for what it is. Nothing to do with the bible, but everything to do with power and control. Some of the comments show a passive agreement with the practice in some shape or form. However I believe that is just a left over from a JW upbringing, or a knee-jerk reaction when something offends our sensitivities.
Jesus taught functionality in Matt 18:15-17. Deal with things as privately and lovingly as possible. Cover over weakness with love, stop judging and condemning and forgive freely 77 times!
What place does shunning have amidst those teachings of Jesus? Let alone the antics that goes along with it, such as judging tribunals in back rooms which follow none of the rules of modern or ancient justice.
These footnotes show that the original Greek called for the same action in these 2 scriptures.
But, JW's allow for talking to the Thess. person while completely ignoring the Cor. person; calling one 'marking' and the other 'DF'.
The original Greek does not make this distinction.
Even if they want to use John's words about greetings as a basis to ignore the person, John wrote 40 some years later. What were Christians to do for those 40+ years?
Footnotes in NWT
2 Thessalonians 3:14 Lit., "not to mix up selves with."
1 Corinthians 5:11 Lit., "not to be mixing selves up with
2 Thessalonians 3: 14 But if anyone is not obedient to our word through this letter, keep this one marked, stop associating with him, that he may become ashamed. 15 And yet do not be considering him as an enemy, but continue admonishing him as a brother.
1 Corinthians 5: 11 But now I am writing YOU to quit mixing in company with ................