Is Happiness Genetic?

by compound complex 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    Ahhh... auldsoul, you've been lurking on other threads...

    So you are a T/F split. Interesting, since this puts you in two broad categories NT's or NF's. While these two are "cousins" they are motivated differently. One by the mind, the other by the heart.

    Read both profiles (entp and enfp). If you answered the questions honestly, one of these will really jump out at you. You will feel "wow this is me!".

    Either way you are in a minority group. Most people are SP's or SJ's.

    Finding out I was "rare" but "not alone" expalined a lot for me and was very comforting. I hope is does the same for you.

    changeling (enfj)

  • changeling

    CoCo: What did I tell ya?



  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Re: the Forbes article. I found this interesting, regarding the dopamine effect:

    "For chimpanzees, this kind of brain chemistry can lead to strange behavior. In an essay, Stanford biologist Robert Sapolsky described a chimp that chased a prospective mate far beyond what would be reasonable, because the mate dropped occasional signals that she might be willing--maybe, someday. Sapolsky referred to this as the "pleasure and pain of maybe." The chimp was willing to go to great lengths for a hypothetical reward."

    We were those chimps as jw's, chasing the everlasting carrot dangling constantly before us. I believe it became an addiction for many of us and may explain why it's so hard to eventually leave. The addiction is so strong. There is such a pull for us that it is difficult to know what to do with that energy void upon leaving. And of course, the painful realization that the carrot was an illusion, and the subsequent realization that pretty much everything is an illusion.

    This also begs the question of whether our feeling of happiness is genuine or just a chemical addiction to externals. What is real happiness anyways? Perhaps some people are just hardwired with more dopamine in their brains and somehow we look at them as these wonderful, happy, positive people. Yet, maybe their genetics have just been wired a certain way, much like having been born with blue eyes or brown skin. Maybe being "happy" isn't as within our control as we think.

    Remember that newborn with the lovely smile: it's just gas.

    tall penguin

  • AuldSoul


    I didn't see the thread you were talking about. Last week, as part of Poetry and Creative Writing, I took the Temperament Sorter test in Please Understand Me II. The objective was to find out from whence weak points in writing styles might stem, understanding ourselves as a means of becoming careful to avoid becoming to staid in our writing styles. As the instructor aptly stated, "You can't very well reach outside yourself until you know yourself."

    After reading the explanations, the things that are definitely not true of me for "NF" are counterpointed sharply by the things that definitely are me from "NT" and vice versa.

    I would like nvrgnbk to read the definitions of Champion and Inventor and comment on whether he thinks I am more one than the other. Honestly, in my opinion, neither is more or less me than the other.

    Please post the link to the thread you are talking about. I'd love to see how other posters sorted.

    edited: "NT" and "NF" is a fundamental split? Split personality would explain some things, except that I am aware of all the aspects ... these can't ever be really, simultaneously the same person? I'm confused.


  • jaguarbass

    I'm a firm believer that personality is set at birth.

    Some personalities have a propensity to be gloomy, others upbeat.

    That could be. I've seen that in dogs and cats I've had since birth.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    BTTT - I'm enjoying your comments; thank you.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Your question can be read several ways:

    1. Are genetics the only cause of happiness? The answer to this is most certainly no. Many things affect happiness.
    2. Are genetics one of many factors of happiness? They undoubtedly have an influence.

    Here's my question. Since we have the ability to focus our energies where we so choose and this undoubtedly can make us either happy or unhappy, does it matter if we are genetically predisposed to being unhappy or happy?

    Here's another question for you. Some of us are most certainly more apt to commit certain kinds of crimes than other people. Some people have an incredible temper and can become murderous if under provocative circumstances. Is someone with a genetic firestorm of a temper guilty if they commit murder because of thier temper?

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Personality is totally dynamic.

    I've seen personality changes due to hormonal issues, brain injuries, personality disorders (such as bi-polar), and medication issues in a number of people of all different ages throughout my life.

    Much of it is related to heredity; some of it is not. And it does matter, especially if someone (or society as a whole) benefits by people with personality issues getting treatment for it.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    And happpiness comes and goes, regardless of genetic predisposition to anything.

    Changeling - What test?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Excellent, thought-provoking questions, Mr. Doe.

    Where I am personally today is a result of surviving pain that I expected would truly kill me - every form of loss imaginable. But what brought everything into perspective for me was the worst test of all - shattered faith. Yet it had to be shattered in order for my life to start over in an entirely new and beneficial direction. I have reason to believe that all my bad traits - including a quick temper - are now less foreground, more blur.

    Sure, somebody or something could come along and push all my buttons, with the intent or result of destroying all I've worked for. Once again I could plunge into despair. The relative happiness I experience today is a mist that could well evaporate in the heat of tomorrow's trials.

    What keeps me going, I believe, is my sense that life has a purpose - and that's not meant to sound like a WT publication title! JWD has given me a sense of purpose, and, if that's only for now and not for my entire life, I can honestly say that it has not been time wasted. I am happy now, whereas I never claimed to be anything other than content in times recently passed.

    I do appreciate your making me think.



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