California Wildfires = The end?

by RollerDave 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave

    I just got a call from my JW mom asking if I was watching the news.

    I'm like, "no, what's up?"

    I'm imagining something must really be up, like we invaded some more countries or mushroom clouds over American cities, or maybe somebody famous did something horrible in public, or something.

    She tells me 'half of California is burning.'

    I'm like "yeah, it's been doing that for a while now."

    "well I just found out when Mrs PO told me. It's just another sign of the end"

    "WHAT?!?!? You gotta be kidding me! They've had wildfires there since the dawn of time!"

    'Yeah, but not like this, This is a sign of the end, I tell you!'

    "It's NOT, this is complete nonsense! You can't keep thinking everything that happens is the end!'

    "Well, if it is, we'll see"

    "It's NOT, it's logically fallacious! And, it's plain silly!"

    "Well, ok lets not talk about it then."

    Just amazing, they will grasp at any straw of validation for their demented worldview. The conversational way she presented this along with the info that she had been talking about it with my sister gives me an idea hoe their convo went, feeding each other cues and nodding, yup, it's the end.

    Gag, Barf.

    It must be nice to be so certain, so smug... Too bad it goes hand-in-hand with being so wrong


  • stay young and beautiful
    stay young and beautiful

    Can't wait til Fox blames it on Al Queda.

  • Gopher

    Funny, none of the Bible prophecies mentioned scattered wildfires as a "sign of the end".

    Anyway, I thought 9/11 and hurricane Katrina were also thought of as "signs of the end", in past years.

  • Makena1

    I wonder if the JW's around New Orleans had similar discussions? It's sad, but I can relate to your mom. I lived in So Cal back in the 70's. There were some large wildfires in the Santa Monica mountains (1975 or 1976?) that gave off a fiery red glow through our window curtains. I got a call that morning from a cousin who was disfellowshipped and worried that Armageddon was imminent. She asked me to pray for her. Eventually the fear must have subsided - she never followed through on getting reinstated. Since then, there have been many wild fires, earthquakes, mudslides - and we are all still here!

  • Sunspot

    Yeah.....I remember in the early 1970's when Pres Carter was meeting at Camp David with bigwigs and signing a peace treaty....and how we were SURE that THIS was the signal that they would be calling "peace and security".

    That didn't happen either.

  • DJK

    If anyone told me scattered wildfires were a sign of the end, I'd say yup, it's the end of this conversation. See ya.

  • PEC

    RollerDave, thanks for sharing, I needed the laugh. This morning, Fox 6 news in San Diego said the flames were 500 feet high, (Dave, you can share that info with your Mom if you want, sounds like she may need more validation.) must be the end or Fox and your mother are both full of shit.

    Philip (of the at ground zero, 2007 SoCal fire class.)

  • BrentR

    If I had a nickel for everytime one of my family said this is a sign that "the end" is near. Somebody really needs to tell them how completely dumbassed they sound. It's easy to lie to other people but it takes a special type of ignorance to lie to yourself (repeatedly).

  • oppgirl63

    I posted this a few minutes ago in another topic. I wonder if this guy is a JW?

    'Oh my God! It's Armageddon'

    I work evenings till 1 AM and I usually sleep till around 3 PM when I get home. At 1 o'clock on Sunday afternoon I was woken up and the sky was clear. I decided to stay in bed and get a little more sleep. Two hours later I woke up, but not from my alarm at first. My window was open, and I must have smelled the smoke first before I looked at the alarm clock. Not realizing what was in the air, I looked outside and saw the sky torched red with the sun looking like it was going to supernova. I thought, "Oh my God! It's Armageddon!" and almost panicked at the sight! --Thomas Joyner Jr., Moorpark, CA (submitted on Oct. 24, 2007)
  • Gopher

    I don't think the guy is a JW, because most JW Sunday meetings are either at 10AM or 1PM. He was sleeping in till 1PM !

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