The back of jw bibles

by carla 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    I wonder if jw's realize that the doors or particularly Christians get really annoyed when they learn the jw bible has all the little answers in the back? My friend who is a Christian and knows her bible inside and out asked me why the jw was looking for something that would have been in say, Matt, Luke or Mark and the jw was looking in what appeared from her angle would have been Revelations. When they find out there are printed answers to questions instead of knowing the answers and knowing where to look it makes the doors think jw's are dishonest or severely lacking in 'biblical knowledge'.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    it makes the doors think jw's are dishonest or severely lacking in 'biblical knowledge'.

    Good observation- that is because they ARE lacking in Biblical knowledge. They put their faith in a body of men and THEIR interpretations, rather than in the Son and the Father. If they would only pray in faith for God's Holy Spirit to fill them BEFORE reading the Bible, WITHOUT referring to any literature printed by the WTBTS, and WITHOUT any preconceived notions, they would then come to have Biblical knowledge.

    The difference is being taught by men versus being taught by God.

    Of course, if they do so, they will come to leave the JWs, as it is just another Babylonish organization of men obscuring God's word.

    I pray they, and all of my relatives, friends, and neighbors earthwide may do so on a daily basis.

    BA- Amen

  • oompa

    Wait a sec here. Nobody can remember everything. I have had studies who had CUSTOM MADE fact sheets from their preachers to hit me with. Churches in my area actually have some printed and distributed to their flock, and there are all kinds of teaching aids on line and in the churches to help their folks........tit for tat.....oompa...(huh huh..I sait tit)

  • carla

    Oompa, do you mean they were anti jw sheets from ministers for their congs when jw's knock? Here is why it is difficult to have a doctrinal discussion with a jw, they speak a different language alltogether. Or try to explain to a knowledgable Christian about jw's thinking on the 144,000, paradise earth, etc..... or the how's and why's of 586/607 or Babylonian history is important to a jw, half of what jw's concentrate on a regular basis has no real meaning for Christians. Maybe for history buffs but it has no bearing on a Christians salvations. I have had Christians who have tried to 'witness to the witness' about Christ but the jw just keeps coming at them with they consider nonsense and it makes no sense to them whatsoever. They don't even know what the hell the witness was talking about. Then I tell them if they really want to discuss with a jw they better get aquainted with how the meanings of words have changed for a jw, their history, doctrinal issues and the like otherwise you will be having two seperate conversations and not even realize it.

    The difference with a Christian having and using many different books or printed material from their church is that they are free to believe or not with no repurcussions if they don't believe. They will not lose family and friends if they disagree and discuss with others in the cong their reason for disagreeing publicly.

  • Rosalee

    Carla ... oompa gave you a very logical answer.

    What did you do?

    Oh well .. if all else fails in your argument ... JWs will df you if you don't believe.

    Cool ;)

  • snowbird

    The difference is being taught by men versus being taught by God.

    Amen, Brother Apostate.

    Good to hear from you, Rosalee.


  • carla

    The reason the friend thought somehow dishonest is because they made it look like they were looking something up in the bible when in reality it was wt literature and the jw did not tell them that. They made a big show of looking something up in the 'bible' but it wasn't the bible they were looking at. Had they said, 'the back of our bible has many help aids to answer your question that our leaders have already addressed' or something on that order. She has anti witness literature she keeps by her door, she does not make any bones about where it comes from or try to make it appear to be anything other than what it is, something from her church in answer to jw's.

  • Rosalee

    Some of us have our Reasoning book attached to our Bibles and freely use them without apology.

    Never had a negative remark yet ... everything still leads back to the Scriptures anyway.

  • oompa

    carla: Oompa, do you mean they were anti jw sheets from ministers for their congs when jw's knock? Here is why it is difficult to have a doctrinal discussion with a jw, they speak a different language alltogether.

    Yes..we had newspaper ads for a big church with a special series on "How to Combat Cults." And it was pretty effective as people at the doors were ready for a bit after that.

    Resource materal is nothing to be ashamed of of course. The Resoning Book is a powerful tool in the right hands, and I have seen MANY a demonstration urging us pubs to pull it out and refer to it. Of course we always have the old fraudulant NWT in our hand too....oompa

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    As a JW you are trained to give the impression that you really know your Bible. Your focus is to ask questions people are not prepared to answer so that they look 'dumb'. Then you whip out your rehearsed answers. If you ever get stumped there are plenty of resources and tricks to get yourself out (i.e. the answers in the back of the NWT).

    To be fair there are many Christians that don't know the Bible at all. But as a whole though they don't learn sophisticated tricks to appear like they know more. The Watchotwer does a great job making JWs feel they know it all, and it can bring about some pretty obnoxious results.

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