How real has your ONLINE IDENTITY become to you?

by nicolaou 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    My name is not really Nicolaou - I just chose it as an alias like so many of us do. Thing is, people have been calling me Nic' online for almost nine years now so who am I to say that Nic' is not real.

    If I'm ever disfellowshipped I know that one of the first things I'll do is 'come out' on JWD and tell you all who I really am - will that mean that I'm killing 'Nic'? Should we all resist getting attached to our usernames and avatars?

    If a tree falls in cyberspace does it make any sound that Nic' can hear?

  • DocBob

    I've been Doc Bob for about a dozen years now. My real first name is Bob. When I meet people at exJW Meetups or at Witnesses Now for Jesus, I am called Doc more often than Bob. That's okay.

  • Paralipomenon

    I usually pick a different user name for each different aspect of the internet I participate on. Makes it easier to differentiate the discussions.

    People know my real name if I've met them in person or talked to them on a personal level.

    bobbi is the same way since we are usually part of the same communities, we have been known to gaffe and call each other by our online names at times.


    It`s Really getting Weird!..Every morning I wake up on a mountain in the Wilderness..Just like OUTLAW says he does..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • sf

    {{{{{{{{{{{BOB }}}}}}}}}}}}


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Hubby has taken to referring to me as "BB" now! lol

    Seems I always go with just initials. All my friends call me "J". When I actually hear someone say my name it's strange and takes me a minute to figure out it's me they are referring or talking to.


  • sweetface2233

    Sweetface is a nickname a good friend from work gave me many years ago. He has died since I quit, but I go back every so often to see other people. I walk through the door and hear "Sweetface!" I talk to BFD often and I don't think he has ever called me Crissy...LOL.

    So, in answer to your question, it was a part of me before JWD and it will be a part of me for the rest of my life.

  • megsmomma

    I think it is neat to have people call me "megs" because I get a "glimpse" into what my daughter will be called. I think I named her well!! I hardly hear my name either...My husband calls me babe, my sisters call me "sis" or Lyn....when I hear "Lyndi" I have to remind myself that's ME!

  • BrentR

    Mine is my first name and middle initial so I do not have any identity issues. What you see is the real me.


    I kind of like my A&W nic, it always makes me think of a Root Beer float which of course is yummy!

    I am exactly who I portray myself to be on this board and I don't post anywhere else, so yeah my online ID is real. I don't have to hide like a lot of us do. I am thankful for that.

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