Question : What is the REAL purpose of the Watchtower Organisation ?

by AlphaOmega 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper

    The real purpose I believe of the Watchtower organization is to keep encouraging donations from elderly witnesses, through trust funds, estates, life insurance policies signed over to them , so that they may continue proliferating their propaganda literature. And continue to have enough money in the bank for their attorneys to use on the next round of child abuse lawsuits . And to make sure that the other part of the organization, you know, the Jehovah's Witnesses part, exercises enough cult mind control on it's members so that they feel obliged to continue donating their hard earned money to keep producing financial results for the Watchtower organization. Just my take

  • garybuss

    Question : What is the REAL purpose of the Watchtower Organisation ?

    The purpose of the Watch Tower Corporation is to increase assets and survive as a business. A corporation by nature is a business organization, an artificial entity for the purpose of carrying on business. A non-profit status business identifies profits as reserves and income is not distributed to shareholders but retained by the corporation.

    The agenda of the Watch Tower Corporation is political. Their goal is the overthrow of all current governments and establishing a one world government run by them. That's a political goal.

    The goal is a carrot to keep people working and donating assets. The reward is the promise that the loyal followers of the group leaders are going to live in the clouds with Jesus or for the secular followers, they will live through Armageddon and live in paradise to pick fruit and pet lions. For the followers who work their whole life and are in old age, they are told they will be in paradise to pick fruit and pet lions after they are dead if they work for the company until they die.

    Ghosts direct the corporation, the directors don't direct, and the committee of governors don't govern. The Witness people don't follow men, they only follow Jehovah, and he hasn't said anything worth writing down for a couple thousand years.

    It's beneficial to understand that the Watch Tower one world government will come to power by the intervention of horseback riders from outer space. Members see this as perfectly rational and they can't understand why their neighbors think they are crazy when they tell this story while going door to door.

  • oompa
    Zico: I think, each member of the Governing Body started off as 'sincere but deluded' entering full time service because they think it's what God wants. They push to become higher to fulfill their need to be special.

    Zico I dont know how many you have know of the GB or professed anointed either but I have never met one that acted in any way that they wanted to be special. Your MS friend is much more likely to display the powertrip personna. Because he is prob young and because it is so NEW to him. After time this should fade (like me). Seriously, these old coots, one of whom I knew pretty well are so freaking huble they can just humble you to death in one night! Sincere but deluded is still genuine sincerety, but you throw mega-humility on top of that and you have some scary goodytwoshoes people up there. Some of their suits look 100 yrs. old. They still think and want to save as many people as possible....and what would the would look like if it were all jw???......not sure...oompa

  • VM44
    I just read The Sole Purpose of the Society, according to Fred Franz.

    "The Sole Purpose of the Society, according to Fred Franz", I want to read this. Where is it?


  • Alwayshere


  • WTWizard

    The top reason for their continued existence is power. They want to control every detail of people's lives. You say something, it has to be to promote the Watchtower Society in the most efficient way possible. Your dress and grooming have to reflect on their image. Any music and videos you enjoy might stumble others. Time is for field circus. There are meetings at the worst possible times. College and information from outside sources are banned.

    This malicious ruining of lives is the top reason for their existence. Money is close behind, and related. If people are to give up their money, the Tower now has more control of what they can do. That's why they keep people poor. If people made billions of dollars, they could donate more but they would also have more left for computers, video game systems, music, and the like. Keep them poor, and you take away the ability to buy such items. Without these "distractions", people are less likely to be too busy playing video games or online for field circus. That is the main reason they hound so much for money.

    Profit is secondary. It is true that they need all that money to protect the pedophiles within the ranks and to fight web sites that expose them. And they live high on the hog with people's money. They would like to keep this going as long as possible, but I still think they are mainly after power and control.

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