The Purpose of The Watchtower (change in wording)
by purplesofa 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Not a good scan I know
The second scan is from the new WT coming out in 2008
Why Change the Wording?
It is a fresher wording. However, I thought they had done away with the claim that "watchtower has been published by Jehovah's Witnesses since 1879" because Jehovah's Witnesses have only been existing since 1931.
"The supreme ruler of the universe".
Now the JWs admit he's not the one and only true God. It does suggest that Jehovah isnt the only ruler, just the best one.
"Supreme Ruler" is easier to understand than "Sovereign Lord" for today's person who doesn't read much. Who says "sovereign" any more? (Part of the dumbing-down of the literature that's been happening the last 15 or more years.)
The "just as watchtowers in ancient times..." sentence ties in to the prominent watchtower on the front of the magazine. They're promoting their brand a little more.
It adds the phrase " a real government in heaven", referring to the Kingdom. Maybe they want to clarify that they (the WT organization) are not the government to destroy bad people.
It elminates the phrase about God's kingdom: "will soon destroy those who oppress fellow men", because the WTS is among the oppressors!
It says "Jesus... who died" rather than talking about "shed blood". That's better wording.
They changed "encourages faith" to "promotes faith", also better wording.
How long ago did they quit denying the publication is dogmatic? I remember laughing at the denial which, itself, is dogmatic.
My take is that it is a minor step toward mainstream.
It eliminates calling Jehovah "Lord" so that can be saved for Jesus.
It doesn't directly remind the reader that Jesus is not God>It gets rid of the word "destroy" for those that are not JW's.
It is not highlighted so it can be further tweaked if they decide it is time to do so. -
The Purpose of the WT changed back in the 70's. I think around 1975. The third paragraph used to say:
"No, The Watchtower is no inspired prophet, but it follows and explains a Book of prophecy the predictions in which have proved to be unerring and unfailing till now. The Watchtower is therefore under safe guidance. It may be read with confidence, for its statements may be checked against that prophetic Book."
''Bring an end to all wickedness'' is much softer sounding than ''destroy''
I agree with the poster who said it's an effort to be more mainstream by using language that is more updated.
Good catch Purps, great commentary so far everyone
So if we aren't oppressing mankind then we won't be destroyed, sweet!