What is most important for a typical JW

by Nosferatu 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    What, in your opinion, is most important thing for a typical JW? What affects him in his day to day life? What causes them to make the decisions they do? Is it their love for Jehovah? Is it how many doors they knock on? Or is it their reputation among other JWs?

  • eclipse

    looking good

    (books, dresses, ties, hair, car, attendence, comments, parts on the school/assemblies)

    for all the other JW's.

    it's all about appearances.

  • Paralipomenon

    Not having another witness discover them acting normal.

  • sir82

    "If I perform action X, how will others view me?"

    An elder, pioneer, ministerial servant, etc. adds this question: "Will this affect my ability to attain or retain 'privileges' within the organization?"

  • R.F.

    what sir82 said.


  • JK666

    With most JW's, the facade of looking good is much more important than actually being good.


  • Zico

    Trying to gain entry into the Paradise Earth can be a big thing as well imo.

  • BFD

    In my mother's case it's all about preaching the good news and pleasing Jehovah in everything she does.


  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    For some it is to show off their own self-righteousness in front of everyone. I think that there are some who genuinely do it for the love of Jah and his ways. You gota love the self-righteous class right?

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I think Sir82 hit it right on the head. I never noticed it before, but when I was a zealot, I used to do things just to impact my "standing" in the congregation. For example, a 5th grader has no trouble picking out the answers to the WT or KM, yet I would underline every piece of study material for every single meeting and bring printouts of scriptures, ect to boot!

    Now, I just don't care what others think.

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