Many here freely trot out words like "cult" and "indoctrination"
"group-think" and "double talk" in describing witnesses, and my
question is, if these words are apt (and I think there is a strong
case that can be made that they are) are the JWs any more
deserving of them than any other religion?
Are JWs any different than Mormons, or Baptists, or Catholics?
I see many parallels between Mormon and JW thinking...
Both have a custom-made bible.
Both have a governing body of 12(ish) men who decide doctrine.
Both have a nontraditional but technically Christian theology.
Both isolate group members from critical writings against the group
Both encourage a strong Us vs The world, in-group, One True Religion stance.
Both are aggressive door-to-door evangelicals.
But even Catholics will bend to the fickle opinion of one man (The Pope)
even when it comes to massively critical things as wether or not to use
birth control. Taken out of context, many would see this irrational trust
in one human's arbitrary opinion as quite cultic.
Obviously each religion exerts some amount of unifying pressure on
the members, so where is the line between Religion and Cult?
What factors make one cult worse than the next?
There are forums just like this one for "ex-name any religion"