Poor Excuse for an Apostate

by Mum 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel

    I'm not as comfortable with the Aposterrific thing yet, still have clear memories of the 'fear and loathing campaign of '81' about the ...<thunder crash!>... Apostates!

    I won't apologize for my patriotism, firearms, or giggling when I drink --and almost as much not drinking.

  • jaguarbass

    the dictionary says an apostate is a person who forsakes his religion, cause, party, etc.

    It doesnt say anything about debauchery.

    And for me personally, it was my mothers religion.

  • rose petal
    rose petal

    Hi, well, I'm a terrible person, apostate-wise. I'm a librarian upholding people's rights to free speech and access to information, work for a children's charity, have nevered smoked or done drugs (before, during & after jdubdom), hardly ever drink (one drink then don't like the taste), have beautiful grandchildren and great friends.

    Now here comes the bad bit - I live with my boyfriend and we are not married!!!

    rose petal

  • avengers
    the dictionary says an apostate is a person who forsakes his religion

    The WT considers me an apostate, but is it really me who's an apostate?

    I'm not the one who forsaked my religion!

    I dedicated my life to Jehovah, working together with the "slave" to help the rest of the world.

    Then I found out the inner workings of the WT; their hypocrisy, lies, their deception.

    It was the Watchtower who worked together with the "scarlet colored wild beast" which they call the UN. Not me.

    They were the ones who had shares in the military, Not me.

    The Watchtower with their "leaders" are the real apostate. But if they wanna call me an "apostate", then go right ahead.

    They do this to get the attention off themselves and point the finger at us, while it's in fact themself.

    Always pointing fingers.

    got this for you WT: (__|__) is life after 75.

  • Bryan

    Holy Cow! 860 sq. ft. with "2" bathrooms?! Do you have bedrooms? ;-)


  • RisingEagle

    I do fit the jdub version of an apostate, except for the weeping and gnashing of teeth thing.

    1. I regularly attend a church because I still hold a belief in God. I participate as fully as possible at every prayer breakfast, church business meeting and social gathering. I play in the handbell choir, sing along with the choir and say, "amen" and, "that's right" when the pastor makes a good point in his sermon.
    2. I vote and give money to worthy candidates as I see fit.
    3. I own and shoot guns although they're locked in the attic until I can teach my young daughter how to handle them properly, i.e. not shoot anyone important or my dogs.
    4. I eat a lot of red meat. The only conscious soybean intake I get is from the newsprint on the daily paper.
    5. I watch as much football as I can. I taught my daughter to say, "Boomer Sooner!" and, "Go Broncos!"
    6. I send my daughter to a Christian private school and encourage her to participate in as many extracurricular activities as she wants.
    7. I helped put my wife through college and nursing school. I whole-heartedly support her in her dreams of being a physicians assistant or nurse practitioner, whichever she decides.
    8. I've been a member of the YMCA and plan on joining the PTA and as many other acronym associations as I want.
    9. I stand for and say the pledge of allegiance and sing the National Anthem.
    10. I read anything and everything I desire.
    11. I've been thinking about posting comments on apostate websites as soon as I find one.
  • ColdRedRain

    I'm about as apostate as they come too.

    1. I listen to heavy metal music.

    2. I practice martial arts.

    3. I practice marital arts (You've seen the threads that I've posted on this boards, so yeah, it's pretty damn obvious)

    4. I have more women in my life than an aerobics instructor.

    5. I'm politically active, and I vote for the evil Republican party, and when they piss me off, I either vote Libertarian or I vote Constitutional.

    6. I'm one of those holier than thou non meat eaters. I know I won't live forever like the JW's say, but I'll at least make it past 57 because my cholesterol will be lower than shrimp sheisse.

    7. I depend on a support group for association.

    8. I have not only attended another church (Non denom, Lutheren, and even LDS) but I've also gone to a mosque and I've also been talked into going into a synagogue one of these days with my neighbor.

    9. My birthday bashes are infamous for being festivals of vice.

    10. I swear like a sailor.

    11. My ears are pierced in 4 spots, and I'm a guy.

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