The call of revilee for me was when I realized that other people and religions couldn't always be wrong and the Witnesses always right, the odds just don't cover it. When voicing concerns was always told to wait on Jehover, and when I asked why when I believe something to be not right I have to wait on God. Just how was "God" goling to get back to me. Not in the Watchtower because that was putting out what I thought to be wrong. So then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started to really do some research on my own. I started looking jehovah witness sites on the web and initially had to agree with the society some of the people there were obviously trying to raise doubts while lying through their teeth. (for instance; one poster on a web site mentioned having to deal with the elders, being a pioneer and not liking having to step down from being a ministerial servant for a minor discrepancy, then "she" said she was pissed at the society). Well right off I knew that females were never appointed as MS's so it seemed at first that the Society was right about the internet, howeveer, further investigation began to show me (light getting brighter here) than the society was in fact wrong and had at times (when their mouth moved) lied about events. Hello bugle calling!!!!!1 time go get up make up the rack and get moving out of the way of danger. (meaning snoozing at the meeting and not giving a damn about who seen you).