I can only imagine that in some JW children, the effect of the lessons taught and visual 'illustrations' can be mentally destructive. Some of the pictures in relation to armageddon are IMO 'too much' for a small developing child to take. It surprises me that the authorities have not investigated and put a stop to this form of mental abuse in children. Anyone agree
The scandalous effect of JW childrens literature. Why not investigated?
by jambon1 31 Replies latest jw friends
stay young and beautiful
Plays straight into the hands of our hidden masters. A fearful, scared population.
Well thats my take on it anyway!
I suppose it should be the responsibility of parents to protect their children from unsuitable material, but of course in the case of JW literature, the parents would deem it be highly suitable.
There's something particularly dangerous about the JW childrens literature because it's being presented as hard fact. Children are often exposed to all manner of shocking material, via all types of media, but such material is usually subject to varying forms of censorship. In this case the brainwashed parents are haplessly passing on the poison to their offspring's vulnerable minds.
I'd like to know if anyone, when a Witness looked at these books and pondered their actual suitability? I expect not.
Add the story of Noah.
Do you remember a picture of Noah's flood & people clinging to the tree tops, trying not to drown? I don't know why I remember this picture, but I do. I can't remember if it's my own imagination - or from the Crooklyn Botchtower Society of Old Men Wearing No Clothes book pubishing company.
Clam; As a JW parent, I did actually have problems with the kids publications. Although I would pick and choose the ones I thought were suitable instead of binning them immediately. I am just so surprised that someone hasn't looked into this from a child welfare point of view. Skeeter; the Noah picture in the old bible story book shows a woman sitting on the top of a rock with her baby clinging to her for dear life. Lovely eh?
Skeeter; the Noah picture in the old bible story book shows a woman sitting on the top of a rock with her baby clinging to her for dear life. Lovely eh?
Talk about indoctrinating you to think in black & white, fear Armegheddon, seeing everyone in this world as dying, etc! Don't other religions just show a picture of the animals going into the ark, Noah, a dove, rain, and a rainbow?
No wonder we're all so messed up & angry at this cult. We have Bordereline Personality Disorder, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress, etc.., etc., etc.
I was gonna start a thread titled "the scandalous effect of taking your kids to watch your local footbal team" but I didnt want to distress you further.....he he kidding mate.....hope all is good....da ninja
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I remember being scared by a few pics from the kids' paradise book and some of rutherfords' books w splashy colored caracatures of businessmen and clergy on the covers. I don't think that it's a job for govts to censor this for kids. It's the job of the parents. To help them, the media should do some investigative type programs on this kids. They could bring in some child psychiatrists/cologists and other child authorities to help educate the general public more. They could use the wt pics as good bad examples for kids to view. It would have the double affect of helping to protect kids, and warn more people about the wt org.
S -
Yes Satanus, or even send some of this WBTS kiddie literature to an organisation responsible for advising suitability and age range, ie a censor. Then again. hang on, surely the Bible itself would get a 15 or even an 18, LOL.