JOIN US OR DIE YOU WORLDLY SCUM.................yeah, I think that's the Kingdom message in a nutshell.
130 + years of Field Service
by Honesty 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Most people I know either don't know who they are or if they do, think they're bonkers.
And then there is the math. 7 million out of 7 billion (approximate numbers). The math speaks for itself. The message either isn't getting out there or if it is, it's the wrong one.
Yes just seen JW'S on our estate this morning all shivering and standing on the street corner looking like a bunch of sales people. Why don't they have a lie in on Sunday and forget the ministry for one day.
The amount of people going to our hall has dropped by 30% at least over the past 2 years. The 3 congs are full of old ones and all the young ones have either left or df/da themselves. So after all the door knocking what a result ! The preaching work is a waist of time, but they keep doing it just to prove they obey the donkey's in Brooklyn. Glad I don't have to get up to do this codswallop anymore.
I think the organisation will crumble from within and that's not long away now