I know I am, or at least now I'm finally willing to admit it. When making future plans, I still have "Jehovah's Day" in the back of my mind. I never caught myself doing that until fairly recently, and I just realized that it was holding me back in many ways. How about you?
How many of you are still affected by "Armageddon?"
by Soledad 24 Replies latest jw friends
I wouldn't say it effects me now. But it did for many years after having attended my last meeting. It didn't effect my so much in my planning of the future... but I couldn't watch the news. And any time a special news bulletin would come on my stomach would turn. I'd get nauseous and have to leave the room because I just knew it would be something about the UN banning all religion proving the JWs right and that it would be too late for me.
Good times... good times.
For me it was many years after i think up untill about 3/4 years ago.
It was mainly the thinking that the end was coming with any major storm that we had i always thought that i had done something bad and i was being punished... silly hey!!!
Also any other major event that was happening in the world like major earthquakes or any civil wars that would happen.
I think once you have been out for many years and you have gotten a different midset and that you can know that in your heart that you are a good person and that you deserve to live thats how you go on.
Now i don't know if this 'Armageddon' will ever happen in my lifetime or in my childrens life time or ever at all.
Look how long man has been on this earth. I guess im taking the way of if it happens it happens.
Here's how I see things now. It's the athiests wager: If there is no god, I'll be fine. If there is a god and he is indeed a loving and reasonable god, then if I live a good life, I'll be fine.
On the other hand, if there is a god, and he is a vindictive, cruel, narcissistic god who expects us to worship him "the right way or else", I'm screwed. But I refuse to worship such a horrible creature anyway. In the end I have the last word.
The armageddon factor is always in the back of my mind. I get nervous when I think about how close this world is to the brink. Man has become his worst enemy. God or not, that seems to be where we're at.
I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
J. Robert OppenheimerBFD
For the longest time after I stopped going to the meetings I was, but no longer. The only "Armageddon" I fear is one started by man's own stupidity. On the one hand there's no god to destroy us, but on the other hand there's none to save us from ourselves.
I still have a reaction when I hear about a terrible world event or something really evil that happens to someone, but the difference is that I now recognise it as coming my from the JW conditioning process.
Fact of the matter is, the END is coming. Maybe in 2 seconds an asteroid will smash into the gulf of mexico. In several million years the sun will take a dump. Dont know when 'armageddon' is coming but it is.
Live the time you have left well.
I still believe there is a God that's gonna clean this whole mess up.
i thought maybe the end of the world was happening during the morning of 9/11.
to me dying at armageddon is better than being tortured forever in hellfire.