The Craziest Thing You Did To Get in Trouble, That Wasn't a DFing Offense?

by new boy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Everytime I got into trouble is was always a df'ing offense.


    (of the feet that run to badness class )

  • yumbby

    Me and a nice elder where the only ones that met for service one day so we did a few calls together and I got in so much trouble. HE DIDN"T. I was 17. Of course nothing happened, but it didn't look right. Perverts.

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    I used to get in trouble for the dumbest things. Like my skirt was knee length and the elders felt it should be past my knees. Talking to a brother in my hall too much at school (there weren't many witnesses, couldn't hang out with "worldly people" so who am I supposed to talk to?). Stuff like that. Totally dumb and totally petty. Didn't they have anything else to do?!?


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Let's see. Pulled in the back room for long sideburns, Too stylish of clothing, telling my friend who was separated from her husband that her husband confessed to me that he was cheating on her, for supposedly making passes at a sister in front of 300 people at a wedding. Quite a few people were questioned and no one saw us together. A couple was staying at our house while we were on vacation and they got drunk. My alcohol was too accessible. The list goes on....

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