She was given a blood transfusion and her condition improved, but she is appearing in court to petition her own death.
Here is indoctrination for you.
by Hiddenwindow 18 Replies latest jw friends
She was given a blood transfusion and her condition improved, but she is appearing in court to petition her own death.
Here is indoctrination for you.
I am a peace loving man, but I have to admit that part of me conjures up thoughts of biblical style justice when I read things like this.
For a moment I imagine myself taking a plane out to Brooklyn and pounding the the living sh*t out of each and every member of the GB.
They are the ones I hold accountable - even more so than the parents of this poor child.
They have the power to stop the madness - yet they do not.
Then I realize that I am above such neandarthal-like activity, and I simply feel more resolve than ever to continue the fight to save more people from this evil organization.
The Oracle
What the courts don't really get is that this isn't about her being a 'mature minor', it's about her being a brainwashed person under the control of an evil cult that has convinced her that if she will OK her own death today she'll wake up in paradise tomorrow. Any of their adults fall into this category too, in fact, this is a typical ply of cults--there is always a sacrifice required, and this time it may be this 14 yo girl.
I was in Winnipeg when this girl first went into the hospital and it was downright macabre how everyone was treating her as if she had died already (this was BEFORE the forced transfusion).
I wonder if she feels cheated out of an express ticket to paradise?
As an added weird coincidence, the Winnipeg Sun SUNshine girl in that link (the redhead Cayleigh) is someone I worked with last summer. We both sold hideously expensive vacuum cleaners with a bunch of other young people. Small freaking world.
Lol, I almost got suckered into the vacuum sales thing. Not saying you're a sucker for doing it, because I knew it was a crappy job to begin with. The only reason I went to the interview is that they worded the job description extremely vaguely and I didn't even know what it was until after the interview when a relative told me that "setup and display of carpet cleaning system" is a fancy way to say "Kirby salesman."
She will feel guilty for staying alive and will start to imagine another soul is running through her own because 'the blood is the soul thereof' and this will make her think she should die to please her god. This is the trouble with rule and regulation from an evolutionary book - which was cut short millenia ago from any further knowledge that transpired.
One thing is for sure if God were that bothered He would do far more with the world than get kids to not take blood from others just to spend a few more decades living a life. It is difficult to aportion blame in some ways - some people do not get away from brainwashing ideas till they are well past middle age - let alone childhood. In this respect it could be said that humans never grow up - they are all fallible. The age of what constitutes accountability is there so other humans can enforce parameters which enable a degree of conformity. It is a bad arrangement for adults who are not 'indoctrination free' but sadly it is difficult to come up with a superior alternative IMHO. Even society itself has a religio-aspect to its structure by its very definition and so enforcers of its parameters are in some ways functioning like elders/overseers of an organisation. Humanity is its own perpetual experiment as to what is to be or not to be and it is constantly changing. Conformity to current ideology is adviseable in order to get along in society - but as respects 'truth' or who has the 'way' - is a whole other thing and its this that JWs attempt to pursue and what springs up examples like the one above.
IMO it is better to avoid attempting to establish a concrete 'truth' or 'way' because it limits humanity rather than helping it find what its potential is - in all sort s of ways!