...it's not that far-fetched, is it? There are those who had perfectly acceptable blood-transfusions way back when, and those who smoked before that ban. Things that were once fine become verboten. Of course them banning liquor is particularly difficult to imagine, as all of the in-depth accounts of Bethel depict Bethelites imbibing like crazy.
What say you? Any thoughts? Do you think some would quit drinking to stay? I think if that happened it would be the last straw... but so many straws have fallen it makes me wonder. Any thoughts?
...if the WTBTS Banned Liquor...
by BabaYaga 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If anything would get the elders to turn on Mother Org, this could be it!
Rutherford managed to get liquor into Bethel during Prohibition. Mormons manage to drink liquor despite their religion's ban. I wonder how many secret smokers their are in the rank and file?
If anything would get the elders to turn on Mother Org, this could be it!
Boy, is that the truth (no pun intended).
I don't think your average elder body could exist without their usually substantial drinking habit.
I got so turned off by what I saw - at home and in the congregation growing up, that I still don't drink- ten years out of the org. I have had literally two glasses of wine in the past ten years- and you know, I don't like thinking about it- the smell and taste brings back bad memories to me- I just don't need booze in my life.
(of the happy to be a dry county, class.)
I don't think your average elder body could exist without their usually substantial drinking habit.
"usually"? Really? So at least 6 out of 10 bodies of elder have a "substantial drinking habit"?
It would have the same effect as if they banned masturbation. Oh, you say, that has already been banned?
usually"? Really? So at least 6 out of 10 bodies of elder have a "substantial drinking habit"?
They did in every congregation I went to growing up.
Seeing some of them polishing off the wine in the library after the memorial was a sight to behold. After all, wouldn't want to waste it right?
Smelling it on their breath at meetings any given night was also a joy.
JW's have huge drinking issues. All you have to do is go to any JW wedding with an open bar- and you'll see that. I've been to 'worldly' weddings with open bars that looked like the local senior citizen center by comparison.
Then there were the 'going away to Bethel" parties where the elders were heard saying one phrase over and over- "Need another brew, Bro?" *gag*
One time when I was a child, an elder who had had a few too many put his foot into the pool, at a congregation pool party- shoe and all, to step on my head and hold me under the water. He finally stopped when I grabbed his pant leg to pull him in- but by then I'd inhaled a lot of pool water. I was just a little kid. When I came up, he was laughing he thought, in his drunken stupor that it was hilarious.
I could go on all day. But I won't cause there are a hundred other things I'd rather be doing. Alcohol abuse is rampant in the Borg and until the support people doing things like going to AA and getting real help it'll continue.
I agree with Fleur, Nicolaou... yes, the majority of elders in any congregation I was involved with were ABOVE AVERAGE imbibers. Yes.
da judge would come back from the dead and set about them with a baseball bat
I also agree, my dad had a huge drinking problem. He was an elder and his elder friends also drank alot. Growing up we had parties at our house with alot of drinking and cards, Eddie Rabbit and Crystal Gayle blasting out of the speakers. Yes, my parents and their friends drank ALOT. My dad was so bad my sister waited for him to get drunk one night so he would sign her emancipation papers.
He eventually died of an accidental overdose of pain pills, swallowed with a good shot of Jack.