I am confused!

by spiritboi 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Junction-Guy

    So these spirits did not try to hinder you from studying with the Witnesses. They never once told you to stop reading your NWT bible?

  • Honesty

    I believe you spiritboi.

    As a matter of fact, I have been searching for someone like you to help me.

    The medical community can't help me and they have been trying to for several years.

    You see, I have this huge pimple that keeps coming up on my buttock.

    It is about two inches from my crack on the left buttock.

    It is in the shape of a

    and protrudes about 4 inches out of my left buttock.

    Can you do whatever it is that you do and make it permanently disappaer?

    P.S. It burns and is very painful.

    Thankyou so much !!!

  • spiritboi

    No, never. When I started studying, I expect my dad to oppose me. I just got some scolding from him. The spirits have told my dad not to interfere, saying I will be back. Even now, my Bible with some WT and non WT christian books are opened on my desk. But they did not disturb me. This is entirely different from accounts recorded in the JW yearbook. Spirits disturbing them when they started studying the Bible... Or maybe as advised by my girl, wait and see. They will begin to be bolder when they have more and more control over me. Maybe I am playing with fire...Or maybe there are good spirits and evil spirits out there after all. And mine are good spirits.

  • Junction-Guy

    Can I ask you a personal question? How many people were you able to bring into the Jehovah's Witness religion considering these spirits didnt oppose you?

  • spiritboi

    Hi Honesty, I don't think a JW or even a XJW is ready to consult a spirit medium like me. Don't forget what the Bible say about sinning against the spirit.Even me, for the past 2 weeks, the thought that I am sinning against the spirit was and still is haunting me. Furthermore, you have not witness the ritual that took place during the trance. I can bet that you will be frightened just like my girlfriend and claim it is demonic. You can do a search on 'tangki' using the search engines.I am called a 'tangki' here locally. Junction Guy, I scored a "F" as a witness. I brought in 2 friends, both were baptized. Both disassociated due to the military issue. One get reinstated but is now considering disassociation as I am de-witnesssing him. The thing I dreaded most as a witness is house2house...I hate sundays when I am a witness.

  • DJK
    I am just being haunted by the JW teaching that all spirits not from Jehovah are evil

    I think there are some Colorado residents feeling haunted by New Englander's this morning.

    If you believe you and your father can heal people physically using spirit mediums, that's fine with me.

    I believe there is someone in your village that can heal people mentally using spirit mediums. The two of you should meet.

    As for your JW experience, your not feeling any different than myself. Your just using different words to express it. We will move on and have a better life, it just takes time.

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