Bear in mind that I'm an atheist here, so I' don't believe in any of these people or things. But it seems to me that if Jesus - the most powerful being in all of everything this side of Jehovah - is really in charge of the organization and is somehow guiding it, then why has he allowed himself to be reduced to an impotent shadow who must subtly nudge a bunch of guys in the right direction whenever a decision is to be made? I mean, what's stopping him from taking human form and popping down once a week to call the old boys in for a board meeting? He can't possibly be that shy.
If Jesus or Jehovah or whoever is running the show behind the scenes, why allow their all important, life-saving organization vacillate from one policy to another year after year? Wouldn't they want their special organization to stand out with its integrity, wisdom, and uncanny knowledge of the one and only truth? Yet the Society regularly gets its facts wrong about all sorts of things. Things that anyone with a library card or a computer could find out in a matter of minutes.
It just seems kinda sad. This doesn't even make sense if you take their claims at face value. Yet it seems quite simple.