Is Jehovah a Lurker?
by Clam 14 Replies latest jw friends
LOL Emo - I knew it.
BTW I'm sure typing isn't a problem. . .
Sweetface do you reckon? Is NVR Jewish then?
I don't know about his nationality, but has anyone ever seen Jehovah and Nvr together? I think NOT!!
It would be just like Jehovah to come on here and talk about being an throw everyone off. AND, he has a superiority complex, so he had to become the Supreme One in under a month.
Hmm you may have something there Sweetface.
... I wish you guys would show some class and leave him alone! He's in a position that he does not want to be in!
I know Jehovah and we've been having an affair for about a year or two now...
You see he's having a hard time coming out and he's on this board because he doesn't know how to come out in the WTBS because the Governing Body won't let him. They said that they would take his name of the the magaizines and he'd lose is job as ALmighty God if he told the truth- do you have any idea how scary that is to be kicked off of your own religion because your gay? And be the God of that religion? Who are you to judge him! No one thats who for you are dust!
SO STOP BEING MEAN TO HIM! He's a lovely person.... okay he's batsh*T crazy and dont get ol' girl drinking 'cause he will smite you if you look at him funny and make sure your first born drops dead on spot...
But we all have our issues and things to work on. So even if Jehovah/Nvr is lurking let him lurk and deal with his issues in due manner and be a support for him instead of a hinderance.
I swear sometimes you XJWs can be even worse than the JWs themselves!
*runs off and cries*