I am not talking about the big A.
Your disaster could be a financial setback. It could be a temporary black-out, a storm, a flood, family moving in with you, water shortages, etc. Or maybe you have just been considering a more simple life-style or a way to get out of debt.
We know there are changes on the horizon. With the increasing prices of gas, every industry is affected.
Lets share solutions for living simple, how to save money, ideas to make extra money on your own, how to live as self-sustaining as possible, useful things you can make to recycle stuff, anything you do to cut costs, make a necessity become more earth friendly, and how to use items on hand for emergency plans.
I will start with outdoor cooking. Here's a way to build a simple oven out of a terra cot pot.
You will need:
- 24” X 24” Concrete paving block
- Large terra cotta flower pot (about 16” diameter, 15” depth, with thick walls and a hole in the bottom)
- 2” X 4” X 8’, cut in half
- Electric saber saw with a tile blade
Mark the placement of the oven door opening on the terra cotta pot with chalk. The opening should be at least six inches wide at the lip of the pot and at least six inches tall to allow for the height and width of the hoe and a loaf of bread.
Cut out the opening using the saber saw. Go slowly as to not crack the pot.
Place the two halves of the 2” X 4” about 2 feet apart and place the paving block on top of them.
Place the oven top down on the paving block. YOU’VE MADE YOUR OVEN!
Here's a grill made from a terra cotta pot:
Although more expensive than a tabletop-sized grill, it's less than the cost of two small grills, which is where we would be if the 1st grew legs and took off. This also could be jimmy-rigged to be a rotisserie, with our ice cream machine's motor as the power behind the rotisserie. That will be a project for later this summer.
Here's an oven that can be built in an hour:
This is a good one I call the disaster version. It looks like it was built from scavenger hunt items.
and for those of you with unlimited income, here's one for $2000.
But I really like homemade better. I like enjoy the creative process and being able to say "I made this".
Handcrafted Terra Cotta Oven ($2,000). This European wood-fired oven makes use of hard- and fruit-woods to heat up and cook all of your favorite meats, pizzas and vegetables.