If a gifted student graduates top of his law enforcement and ethics class....and is invited by the instructor to remain on as his aide. What if his instructor starts doing exactly what he adamantly taught the aide was dead wrong to the next class?
Does the aide speak up and point out his teacher's hypocrisy and crime...in front of the entire class if nessesary?
Or does he remain silent and let the instructor break his own rules and abuse the next class of greenhorns without them even realizing it?
If he does speak up...his risks personal danger as his instuctor is a very powerful man who can destroy and torture him for all eternity for his betrayal. And the instructor also turns the class he is protecting against him...and they pray for his eternal torture as well....as well as blame him for everything bad they do, and the bad that happens to him.
Should the aide surrender?
What would you do as the aide?