Just got back from Cali...

by mrsjones5 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    and I'm so glad to be home!

    I had a very nice time, Mom and Dad were civil and gracious hosts because of the bluffers (other family members like two great aunts and my sister none of whom are jws ) and they were just happy to have me there. Mom picked me up from the airport and I gave her a big hug and kiss, something I don't do often enough, and when I got to the house I did likewise to Dad which I think kinda pleasently surprised him. My great aunts arrived shortly after I got there and my sister flew in Friday. Saturday was the big family reunion, not everyone was there but we had a really good turnout. I got to see cousins, aunts and uncles I had not seen in years. Thankfully most are not jws. I wore my cross, it was very visible, and it was funny cuz not one jw said a word about the cross, not even my uncle who's an elder, he just kinda stared at it at first and moved on. All in all a good time was had by all and we plan to do it next year in Dallas.


    P.S. I had left the hubby and kids at home and the house was a mess but at least the kids didn't burn it down.

  • Purza

    Glad to hear it went well. Was it in the Bay Area? If so, you got some very nice weather for your reunion.


  • mrsjones5

    My parents live in Rocklin a few miles east of Sacramento and the reunion was at a park in Lodi. Yeah we had great weather for the reunion.

  • snowbird

    Lodi City Seal

    You mean here?

    Glad you had a nice time and arrived home safely.


  • mrsjones5

    Yep Lodi, hometown of Jamie Summers

  • R.F.

    It's good to hear that you had a great time and arrived home safe. :)


  • mrsjones5

    Thanks R.F.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I'm glad you had a good trip and are back home safe and sound!

    My hubby and kids always clean up just before I get home. I know this because the house always smell fresh and clean, like when you just finish, ahh the smell of Mr. Clean and Fabreeze


  • mrsjones5

    Lucky girl, I'm so jealous

    I gotta start crackin the whip...wait I already have lol


  • changeling

    I'm so glad you had a nice time.

    We missed you!


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