Annual Meeting Notes - Oct. 6, 2007 and personal notes

by Dogpatch 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    I don't know if this was posted before, but just in case it wasn't, it seems legit. Someone sent it to me in the mail. Following the Annual Meeting Notes are some personal notes on the meeting by an attendee...


    Annual Meeting Notes
    Oct. 6, 2007

    2008 Year text: Ex. 14:13 "Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah".

    Chairman: Bro. Loesch
    Song 155
    I. Introduction.
    Brothers present from the 1st and 2d class of Gilead.
    The Watchtower Tract Society was formed in 1881. Cromley was president and Russell Secretary Treasurer.
    In 1884 Russel was President, Mann Vice President and Russel's wife Sec/Treasurer.
    In 1896 the word "Bible" was added to the Society's name. This was appropriate due to the Society's role and function in conjunction with the Governing Body and the dissemination of Bible truth. "of Pennsylvania" was also added latter.

    Apostates challenge changes the Society makes, ie parousia--the Society thought it to start in 1875 was not clarified until 1929. Only the Bible writers and 1st century Christians were inspired. Anointed today are “like prophets” but they are not inspired. Sometimes our application needs to change--but the Truth never changes. John 16:12 understanding--not able to bear all things at present.
    The number 144,000 was only known in 96 CE with John's revelation. The other apostles didn't know that feature. Only in the New World will we know all.
    Jesus trusted the Faithful slave--we should too. Dan 12:4 in 'time of the end, many will rove about those having insight will shine and true knowledge will become abundant." Or gradually. Don't be surprised at changes.

    II. Reports from Branches:
    1. New Caledonia--Mark Fossey
    Like a paradise, (Valutua)
    21 at Bethel, 6 missionaries. 1302 publishers, 5,095 ath Memorial, 7 times peak attended in Valatua.
    Experience: An aux pioneer prayed for a new study, on the last day of the month found one that attended meeting with her husband. Several months later her husband asked for one on the last week of the sister's husband Aux. Pioneering.
    Experience: A sister met a man who had been raised in the truth and moved to Paris. Had twins was sick. Brother called and studies with them--they married in New Caladonia. Made progress--some families too.

    2. El Salvador-- Robert Babco.
    About the size of New Jersey. Gideon "the smallest of my father's house, …I shall prove to be with you" Judges.
    60 volcanoes. All time peak was 32,714 publishers and 36,000 Bible Studies in August, 2007.
    Pioneer work is exploding. El Salvador is a cross between Switzerland and Hawaii but the real beauty is it's people. Beautiful country have been ravaged by civil war, natural disasters and now crime and delinquency.
    Experience: Berta, during the 2001 Earthquake took family, (father, two daughters and others). Her mother and sister died a short time later. 6 months later she developed breast cancer --love of the brothers carried her through the tests and prayers and aux pioneering and Book Study and service from her home.--her new family. The young ones call her "Mama". Jehovah is her Father.
    Good to see the sacrifices of the young brothers attending the MTS.
    Experience: Carlos. Studied at a Tech School-- at the end of the course received the invitation for the MTS. Dilemma. If he went to MTS he would not receive his diploma. Teachers proposed that he get a 3 day pass from MTS in order to finish enough of his training to receive his diploma. He decided not to sacrifice even the 3 days. Because of this his teachers visited the Branch and the MTS school. The were so impressed that they decided to give him his diploma anyway. He graduated both the MTS and his Tech School on the same day. (double diplomas).
    Jehovah said to Gideon: "I shall prove to be with you."
    Experience: "Will" in the war, 10 year old boy preached.
    Experience: 6 year old boy refused blood.
    The 39 brothers and sisters at Bethel and 43 MTS graduates "love you very much".

    3. Thailand. George Crawford.
    9% increase in Pubs. And 35% increase in pioneers.
    Much support from brothers serving where the need is greater from Korea (74) and Japan (64). Those from Korea have to leave every 3 months to renew their visas and those from Japan every month. The go home and earn enough to come back.
    Experience: Pub. 4 years--business coll. Aux. pioneering--found job required overtime--missed pioneering--sharing good news and fellowship. Sells sandwiches on the street now instead so that she can pioneer. Her family mad until father saw her prospering and happiness--now a regular pioneer.
    Experience: Her partner was a Buddhist and sought a Christian religion. Hear her boss teaching an coworker and so she asked questions too and got the truth. She was offered a position as cartoonist which paid a lot but required long hours--she wanted to pioneer--so she took a part time job selling sandwiches and now is with the other sister sharing a job position.
    Eccl 12:1 From the youth on. K, J, US, Can serve --good examples. For youth in Thailand.

    4. Malawi. Steve Heaton.
    14 years since the ban. 68,611 reached. 1,126 cong between 1999 and 2007. 3 assembly halls, 7 missionary homes.
    Experience: Missionary couple--need patient end--teens on a corner "Jobless Corner" "Anything Goes" corner dressed like Rastafarians with dread locks and etc.. They sell cell phones, pirated video games etc. Missionary would only greet them as he went by. One day he decided to preach to them. They all left except one. That one started to study, cleaned up his life and became an unbaptized publisher. Later he started a study with two others of the group and soon invited them to the meetings also having cut their dreadlocks and cleaned up. When the others of the group saw how the three had won the respect of the townspeople the others changed their style also and cleaned up themselves and their speech up and their business improved greatly. They went to the District Convention and when they got back the one who studied with the missionary told him that he decided to be a witness. When he asked “Why?” He said “Weren’t you there? They presented a Resolution rejecting the world for Jehovah. So I thought about it for a minute and decide to say “Yes!”
    Memorial attendance 260,001, 2006 baptized, 62 conventions, 7 languages, 1st in Muslim, attended by some Muslim leaders in their garb, but they took their hats off when entering which is unusual for them to do. They said they attended because the liked JWs.
    5. Rwanda.
    15,000--24% increase., 34,000 Bible studies, 87,638 at Memorial. The self sacrificing spirit (John 13:35) displayed during the genocide was outstanding and in contrast with the religions Christendom. Even though many witnesses were killed the work prospered and even through persecution. Kingdom Hall meetings are permitted, 276 Halls built. 11 open sided Assembly Halls built.
    Experience: Sister gave birth to a son in prison, Nov. 20th. She named him a name in Rwandan an name that means “Remain steadfast and be Courageous”.
    Experience: A 16 year old girl whose mother is a witness was an exceptionally outstanding soccer player. She was nicknamed “God of Goals”. Italy invited her to come there to play for pro team. She knew she had to make some serious decisions about the truth, so she declined because she knew she couldn’t be a witness and pursue this career. Shortly after she was baptized.
    There are 60 at Bethel who send their greetings.

    III. “Greetings!” from:
    Arkansas, Missouri, Tenn. RBC
    Brazil, 36,784 baptized
    Czech Republic--69 Bethelites
    Ecuador--International volunteers on the Branch construction
    France--Bethel family
    Norway 3% increase
    Peru over 100,000 for first time (now in the “over 100,000 club”)
    Russia 350 at Bethel, new peak 150,056--4%
    Togo--11% increase
    Turkey--now legally registered.

    At conclusion of the program anew school for elders was announced.
    “School for Congregation Elders” beginning in 2/08 for Pos first. A 5 day course--Monday to Friday at Patterson, NY.

    JCAH 5669
    Brooklyn 3816
    Patterson 2793
    Wallkill 2277
    Toronto 382
    14, 937

    IV. Talks from the GB.
    Are you ready for Jehovah’s Day
    Bro Jackson. (GB)
    The year text this year from Zeph 1:14 impressed on us the urgency of the nearness of the end. He repeated the statement of last year that the GB feels that it is very near.

    The coming Day of Jehovah is different in 3 ways (from Day’s of Jehovah in the past.)
    1. Scope. Jeremiah 25:31-33. Will involve the whole earth.
    2. Intensity. Daniel 12:1 Michael stands up to take action. World anguish. Great Tribulation.
    3. Effectiveness. 2 Pet. 3:10-12: 1 John 2:17 not the earth but ungodly people--“desire” of world talking about the ungodly people, the earth doesn’t have desires but the people do. 2 Pet. 3:10--heavens are the worldly governments, the earth mankind alienated from God. The elements or worldly spirit melt: independent, immoral materialistic ways of the world. The fire is Jehovah’s anger, the hissing is the passing of events. Indicates total destruction of the wicked system and its spirit.
    We (the anointed) are prepared for that day. Faithful slave continues to feed. Evil Slave thinks that the “master delays”. We know it’s coming--the final sealing of the anointed--destruction of Babylon the Great--we are looking forward to it.
    What will it mean to you as an individual--Are you prepared?
    How will you personally cope?
    2 Pet. 2:9--Jehovah knows how to deliver. How can we build confidence in Jehovah? By meditating on the accounts of times in the past of when Jehovah delivered his people builds confidence in Jehovah.
    Think of 1513 BCE.
    Over 3,000,000 of Jehovah’s people plus the mixed company march out of Egypt.
    Jehovah guided the Israelites directly to the edge of the wilderness. Above the Red Sea. Then he told Moses to back track and come down and camp directly with the Sea in front of them. It didn’t seem to make any sense as if it were a mistake. (Look at map in “The Good Earth).
    Ex. 14:2 Set up camp by the sea. Vulnerable,
    How would you have felt looking out at the Red Sea knowing that the dessert was in the back? Then you hear a noise in the distance behind you--Pharaoh and his army!
    Vs. 3, 4 Pharaoh baited by Jehovah--then they “know that I am Jehovah”.
    Vs. 10,11 Israel afraid. They couldn’t see the reason for what Jehovah was doing. They didn’t see the whole picture and only had a limited perspective so they lost confidence in Jehovah and Moses. They cried out to Jehovah.
    Vs. 13, 14 “Stand firm! See the salvation of Jehovah! You will not see the Egyptians after today.”
    They can have full confidence in Jehovah and his saving power. First, Jehovah moved the cloud to the rear of Israel to prevent Pharaoh and his army reaching them. Moses extended his hand and the Red Sea parted and Israel when through on dry land clear to the other side. Then the impatient Egyptians were allowed to follow--shear determination drove them on. So Jehovah waited until they were all in the sea bed, then he struck them with confusion in their ranks, quaking the earth and knocking the wheels off their war chariots--grinding them to a halt. Then they realized where they were and wanted to flee but just then the towering walls on each side of them started to collapse and they were never seen again.
    Four lesions are to learned:
    1. Jehovah is ready for any trial or problem. He is equal to any situation.
    2. We must obey whatever Jehovah requires of us. Whatever instructions we may be told by Jehovah’s organization to do, even if they seem not to make any sense, but we must obey no matter what. That may happen before the end.
    3. We have a limited perspective of things. We don’t have the whole picture--but only a limited knowledge.
    4. We can have total confidence in Jehovah and in his organization. Have total confidence in his saving power.
    Keep in mind the nearness of Jehovah’s day.
    2008 Year text: Ex. 14:13: “Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah.”
    Getting the Sense of Jesus’ Illustrations
    Bro. Barr (GB) .
    Matt. 13:34, Mark 4 and Luke.
    If we get the sense , we will appreciate the treasures contained therein.
    Previous understanding was Watchtower 10/1/75 and explained many of them. A further study of these illustrations about the kingdom could show a clarified understanding.
    1Cor. 3:9 God’s fellow workers. God makes it grow.
    1. Mark 4:3-9 Listen, look
    Some seed on the road--birds eat it.
    Some on the rocks--scorched by the sun.
    Some in the thorns--choked.
    Some on the fine soil. Grows and bears fruit.
    Seed=Kingdom message.
    Sower=God’s fellow workers. Has no control over the results.
    *Faithfulness is not measured by the results. God makes it grow.
    Mark 4:26-29 Those who sow by zealous activity. Seed thrown on the ground. Worker sleeps at night-- works by day. Seeds sprout and grow tall of their own self, gradually--can’t be forced or rushed by the sower. God makes it grow. How does the sower take part in the harvest? They come to love God, publishers make dedication, want to get baptized. Sower and reaper rejoice.
    *Success is measured in our faithfulness to our commission.

    2. Mark 4:30-32 Kingdom of God likened to a Mustard grain.
    Tiniest of seeds. Sown, becomes great. Growth of Kingdom of God. Started with 120--grows to thousands. Within 3 decades filled the earth. In Colossians Paul says ‘everywhere under heaven’.
    Birds of heaven represent righteous hearted ones who seek protection in the Christian congregation. Find lodging. Protection is given to righteous hearted individuals responding to Kingdom message. Branches expand beyond expectation. Since 1914 expansion outstanding.
    Isa 60:22, Isa 11:9 fills the earth.

    3. Matt. 13:33 Kingdom of heavens is like leaven. (not meaning corrupting)
    1. Growth not always visible to human eyes. A normal process of a housewife making bread. What the leaven accomplishes is unseen to the housewife like the sower of seed at night--we may not see the growth initially--it happens out of sight--at night--(God makes it grow.)
    2. It is also pervasive--now to the ends of the earth. More important than number is the quality.
    4. Matt. 13:47-50 Kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet. Kingdom preaching.
    Collects many--angels separate them--some unsuitable and separated out and destroyed. Does this refer to the final judgment of the separation of the sheep and goats? No. The separation occurs during the conclusion of the system of things not at the end. No, now, during the last days. How? Millions of symbolic fish have been attracted to Jehovah’s organization, but only some become part of the congregation. e.g. Memorial attendance, meetings and Bible studies. All hulled up on to the beach, separated, unsuitable ones cast away--finally into the lake of fire. The suitable ones allow themselves to be gathered into fine vessels=the congregations. It is imperative for honest hearted to be gathered into the fine vessels (congregations) before final judgment.
    Lessons to be learned from Jesus illustrations:
    1. Tremendous growth of Kingdom work. Like the mustard grain nothing can stop growth of Kingdom work.
    2. God makes it grow.
    3. Not all harvested prove to be suitable.
    All glory goes to Jehovah. Eccl. 11:6.

    Christ’s Presence and the End of This System
    Bro. Jaracz (GB)
    What does Christ’s presence really mean to you?
    How do you view the end of the system of things?
    Jesus’ apostles asked Matt. 24:3. conclusion or end? Conclusion=greek “synteleia”(?) End=“telos”
    The conclusion is the period of time leading up to and including the end. (A speaker concludes his talk when he reaches the final section of it, he ends when he walks off the stage.)
    Christ’s presence started in 1914--included his coming against opposers to destroy.
    Conclusion is parallel to parousia or Presence--(37-39 Presence of the Son of Man), the last days and the gathering of chosen ones including their death and resurrection.

    1 Cor. 2:10, 11 understood to anointed through spirit.
    Phil 2:12 presence contrasted to absence.

    Matt. 24:37-39 Noah’s day and now.
    Christ’s presence parallel to the 50 years of Noah’s ark building and preaching (“preacher of righteousness”) not just the flood (the end) but all the things leading up to the flood.

    2 Thess 1:6-9 repay tribulation to those causing you tribulation. During destruction.
    Vs. 8 for not obeying and not knowing God.
    Extended period of time indicated in Rev. 6: 2-4 Jesus depicted as a warrior king who goes out first--then followed by other horsemen during Jesus’ presence in kingdom power.
    Rev. 12:7-9 Already war has occurred and Satan ousted--enraged--results in intensified woe as time goes on.
    The sign of these things is fulfilled and it is vital to recognize it!
    Ps. 2:5-9 King installed in Zion. Even mentions a window of opportunity for high officials to “kiss the son”. Vs. 10. “Happy are those who take refuge in him.”
    Unbelievers don’t understand the significance of these times. Not recognized by the leaders of Christendom.

    Lu 17:24--lightening flashes--only those with spiritual insight--clear as lightening to his disciples.

    Jesus identified the generation--contemporaries of the sign. Which contemporaries?
    Does Matt. 24:34 refer to the wicked generation? NO. The context of “this generation” refers to his apostles and their fellow disciples who discern what these things mean and be able to “see” the sign. Context--Matt. 24:22,23, “Learn” from the fig tree. When YOU see (discern)--YOU know-- all these things--until all these occur…The master is at the doors. Only the anointed SEE and learn the meaning and take decisive action. Others don’t see any difference--‘all things the same from creation onward’. The John class take the place of first century disciples to whom Jesus was speaking or ARE the modern generation that will see all these things occur and some will be alive when the end comes.
    This “generation” starts in 1914 and lasts until the last one of the anointed dies and is resurrected.
    The parallel is to the first vision of Revelation (Rev. 1:10-3:22) which extends from the beginning of the Lord’s day in 1914 until the last faithful anointed dies and is resurrected. The anointed ones make up the “generation” of contemporaries “that would not pass away.”

    Mark 13:37 Jesus says to “Keep on the watch” and prove yourselves ready. Understanding this means to keep it close in mind.

    We must be sure to be more urgent in keeping on the watch. Continue to prove ourselves ready as Jesus Christ counseled.
    Song. 15


    Saturday October 06, 2007
    Year text for 2008: Exodus 14:13 "Stand Firm and See the Salvation of Jehovah."

    The opening talk by Brother Gerrit Lösch (GB) gave a brief bit of history of
    early organization and point emphasized was that Jesus Christ trusted the
    Faithful and Discreet Slave to carry on the dispensing of Bible truths and so
    should we.

    Point made that charter of WTB&TS of Pennsylvania was to disseminate Bible
    truths. Faithful and Discreet Slave are not inspired so they are going to err.
    John 16:12 Jesus said process would be gradual. The first of Faithful and
    Discreet Slave did not know how many would make up the group until 96 CE. Work
    being done well without knowing that. Adjustments will be necessary but that
    does not mean that slave is not the means Jehovah is using. We are in a time
    of greater increasing of light the unveiling of which is gradual.

    Country reports and invitation work experiences.

    Geoff Jackson gave the talk on the year text. He asked "Are you ready for
    Jehovah's Day?" He said this year's text from Zechariah got us focused on fact
    we are living in the final part of the last days. This time is different in
    three ways.
    Scope Jeremiah 25:31& 33.
    Intensity Daniel 12:1.

    Effectiveness 2Peter 3:10 & 12 and 1John 2:17.

    Earth is mankind alienated from God

    Heat is Jehovah's anger

    Hissing noises indicates speed, a rapid passing.

    Jesus made comparison between Faithful and Discreet Slave and evil slave.

    Apostates complain we are too eager. Glad we are eager for Jehovah's rule even
    if we are wrong once in awhile. We are not sure of all the details but we know
    Jehovah is with us. Used illustration of the Israelites leaving Egypt. Went
    right to edge of promised land and Jah made them back track and camp. They
    seemed trapped at the Red Sea. From a human standpoint there was no way out.
    That is when He totally brought Pharaoh to his knees. At the time it made no
    sense to Israel but Jehovah knew exactly what he was doing.

    We have Jehovah's Day right ahead of us which teaches us four lessons.

    Jehovah ready for any trial and problem.
    Must obey regardless what is asked of us. We are so limited in perspective.
    Jah knows the whole picture. We can have total confidence.

    Brother John Barr (GB) spoke on the illustrations Jesus used regarding the
    Kingdom (mustard grain, dragnet, etc.) Very detailed. We are to be busy in the
    work sowing our seed and we are to get the sense of Jesus illustrations.

    Theodore Jarcz (GB) spoke Christ's Presence and End of System
    He used the illustration of a talk. The conclusion covers a period of time.
    The speaker sums up or draws audience to a decision or the like. Takes time.
    The end is when he walks off the platform.

    Jesus presence includes taking power in 1914, dealing with opposers; all the
    features of the last days
    including the ingathering of the chosen ones their deaths and resurrection.
    This means an extended period of time. Up to and including fulfillment of
    Revelation. Spiritual discernment necessary to be bright and clear to us which
    it is. Those without spiritual knowledge do not see the significance. WE DO!
    Some anointed will be alive when the tribulation begins. First vision in
    Revelation. 1914 until last of anointed dies and is resurrected.

    Be resolved to be more urgent to keep on the watch. Prove ourselves ready for
    Jehovah, Jesus and our own welfare.

    The "generation" is all the anointed as a class from 33 CE to the end of the
    world. In the context of Matt. 24:34 was Jesus talking to his followers. Other
    instances of generation often had clarifiers, such as "wicked generation",

    Bro. Barr stopped and said, "By the way, you'll be happy to know that there
    will be anointed on earth at the time of Armageddon".

    DRAGNET: ALL the fish were thrown on the shore. Don't get excited about the
    large numbers at the Memorial. Maybe these are not all good fish.

    MUSTARD SEED: Sows seed and then goes to bed. Remember, we sow the seed,
    Jehovah looks after it. Our role is to be regular in the service and to sow
    that seed.

    LEAVEN hid in the dough. What made it rise? Jehovah did it.
    At the beginning Brother Losch said, "We of the Governing body have not always
    had the right understanding. The Gov. Body is not inspired and neither are the
    publications. It is the Holy Spirit that helps us to find the correct

    Starting February 2008 elders will be invited to attend The School for
    Congregation Elders. It will be a five day course and they will start with the
    Presiding Overseers first then work through the others. Will start with the
    English field.
    Total in attendance at NY Bethels, Canada Bethel and New Jersey Assembly Hall
    was 14,937.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    thanks randy...

    you know..I only read the first part,...the stats and experiences...I cant stomach the ever changing Light of the Borg anymore.

    I used to get so damn excited when a friend at bethel used to mail me these experiences (later via email)...that and the yearbook...which they used to let bethelites send out early to friends and family ...I felt soooo special....not...I usually got shot down by those at the local KH because I was "running ahead" sharing those "encouraging" experiences....spiritual, smiritual... read those experiences of the "sacrifices" made by those people and think..."what are they thinking?"...then I realize...I, too, made a ton of financial, educational, secular sacrifices...all for the "privileges"...... sheesh.....what was I thinking? you want to sell sandwhiches (metaphorically in most cases) all your life, just to preach peddle God's Word The Watchtower? Stay around the WTBT$ and you too can be the next star of an annual meeting experience.......

    I just threw up a little in my mouth.

    Snakes ()

  • DazedAndConfused

    Sorry Randy, not in a trusting mood right now.

  • Robert222

    I like that statement, "we created a charter to form the WA Bible and Tract Society to disseminate bible truths"...that really got me. I want to say, uh, excuse me?? You do not need to set up a corporation, tax free status, taking in millions over the yrs just to disseminate the "truth". You receive free, give free, they could have distributed religious material for very little cost, yes, pay their taxes, whatever, if they REALLY felt it was the TRUTH. They are a bunch of money hungry lazy old guys living off the hard work of the members. Thank you for posting those notes! But it does make me angry all over again - i am glad i am out of that circus where they have NERVE to say they are chosen by god!! I am shocked god didnt strike them down where they stood for making those comments.

  • Outaservice

    Jesus trusts the Faithful & Discreet Slave (of the Watchtower) and so...............we should too! What proof is there for any thing like this??

    Outaservice ( who is installing his BS shields over his ears right now)

  • stillajwexelder

    excellent information - thankyou Randy

  • yknot


    Thank you for posting, seems similar to what I have been hearing.

  • stillajwexelder

    no question that anointed are "This Generation"

  • hillary_step
    Theodore Jarcz (GB) spoke Christ's Presence and End of System
    He used the illustration of a talk. The conclusion covers a period of time.
    The speaker sums up or draws audience to a decision or the like. Takes time.
    The end is when he walks off the platform.

    Good one Ted. Remind the Service Desk to renew your subsrciption to the "Beano" before you run out of banal illustrations.


  • Quandry

    Experience: A 16 year old girl whose mother is a witness was an exceptionally outstanding soccer player. She was nicknamed “God of Goals”. Italy invited her to come there to play for pro team. She knew she had to make some serious decisions about the truth, so she declined because she knew she couldn’t be a witness and pursue this career. Shortly after she was baptized.

    What an idiot!! Didn't she ever hear of the Williams girls or Prince? Sheesh!!

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