And, here's another from the March 31, 1930 Time about Judge Rutherford's "Spanish mansion" (Beth Sarim):
Interesting old article from Time magazine re:1975
by marmot 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals
What's that in the article about 1928? I thought Rutherford was all gung-ho over 1925?
It might be a typo...but much had been made about the fact that 1928 was 50 years from when Christ supposedly had become King in 1878. So, some of Rutherford's followers held on when 1925 passed by thinking the end might come before 1928. However, by 1927 Rutherford dropped the 1878 date as having any significance. So, the biggest drop in Memorial attendance was actually in 1928, not 1926 as people lost faith in Rutherford's movement.
Morton Edgar who had written a lot of the Great Pyramid stuff had also pointed to the Spring of 1928 as being significant based on pyramid measurements. Edgar's books were quite popular among the Bible Students and had been quoted by Russell and in the Watchtower and Golden Age magazines several times. Many Bible Students were looking forward to 1928 as a possible date for the End. In November of 1928, however, Rutherford dropped the belief in the Great Pyramid as having any place in God's plan.
Hey, cabasilas did you get those original images off the Time web site?
If so, how did you do it? If not, would you happen to have an original image of the the Ray Franz article.I sent the Time links to to my mom about 1975 and Ray Franz.
Her reply was "those must have been twisted up through the grape vine."LOLI'd like to send her the original image.
Thanks either way
In July of 1969, President Nathan H. Knorr addressed 81,000 Witnesses at
Dodger Field in Los Angeles. "Why are we looking forward to 1975?" he asked.
And then he answered his question by stating, "It is firmly maintained that by
the autumn of the year 1975, the battle of Armageddon will have been fought and
God's new world will have been established" (Los Angeles Herald Examiner, July
21, 1969). -
Very interesting. Got to file these away in memory for later. Thanks for posting these.
Yes, thank you! I've been looking for this very type of information today... I have some of these links but the others are now added to my stash...
Thanks marmot for linking the article, and cabasilas for making a jpeg of it. Great stuff for the archives.
Here's a link to an image of the Ray Franz article as it appeared in Time in 1982:
As to the Herald Examiner article from 1969. I remember the article when it came out (I lived in Southern California at that time and was in attendance at the Dodger Stadium assembly that year) and Knorr did not say what the article claimed he had. The article was written by William Farr and much of it was verbatim from an article Farr had written for the Orange County Register following the 1967 District Assembly. I used to have both clippings and I'll check to see if I can locate them. Having said that, there is still enough from Watchtower publications and other news sources to confirm what the Society was saying about 1975 at that time.
Just to clarify: what Knorr did say on 1975 (but without specifically stating that date) at the Dodger Stadium convention was in the public lecture: "The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years."
The text for this lecture can be found in the Watchtower for October 15, 1969 on the WT CD-ROM.More recently earnest researchers of the Holy Bible have made a recheck of its chronology. According to their calculations the six millenniums of mankind's life on earth would end in the mid-seventies. Thus the seventh millennium from man's creation by Jehovah God would begin within less than ten years....
In order for the Lord Jesus Christ to be “Lord even of the sabbath day,” his thousand-year reign would have to be the seventh in a series of thousand-year periods or millenniums. (Matthew 12:S, AV} Thus it would be a sabbatic reign...
In order for the Lord Jesus Christ to be `Lord even of the sabbath day,' his thousand-year reign would have to be the seventh in a series of thousand-year periods of millenniums.