JWs Don't Believe in Hell...but they DO Believe in Pain & Torture!

by new boy 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new boy
    new boy

    I remember being a pioneer and telling people how stupid they were for believing in a "Burning Hell."

    The analogy they told us to use was....

    "If you had a small child and they were bad could you take that child and put it's hand over a flame and burn it's flesh and hold his hand there....dispite his screams and his pain?"

    Of course the answer was always...."NO"

    To which we would say "Then if you can't do that....How could a merciful God who has more compassion then you...put someone in a burning HELL?

    Good logic...right...

    But that same god has no problem killing...yes...burning Millions....Billions of children at Armageddon?

    Well I guess the difference.....no torture....he frys them quick...right....?.

  • marmot

    I brought up the dichotomy of the Old Testament baby-killer versus the loving merciful father of the NT to my Gilead-graduate uncle.

    His argument was that Jehovah was protecting his special property (nation of Israel) from threats to its existence. He gave me a hypothetical situation where I was confronted with someone who is about to do deadly harm to a loved one and the only way to save that loved one is through deadly force.

    It was a tough question but I still can't reconcile God's sanctioned slaughter of innocents.

  • Salivating Dog
    Salivating Dog

    How could a puny human ever be that much of a threat to a all powerful God?

    Would God give them the honor and admit they were that much of a threat, that the only way to stop or silence them would be to threaten or kill them?

    Does a Father threaten, beat or kill his little girls if they disagree with or disobey Him, to get their obedience and silence?

    What would that make Him look like, in front of a crowd of onlookers?

    He may humilate them in front of the crowd to such a degree they would beg for death instead though.

    They would live, and think twice before trying a stunt like that again.....of that I am pretty damned sure.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Thank you Marmont and Dog.....

    What threat are babys and children to an all powerful God?

  • Salivating Dog
    Salivating Dog

    To kill, or resort to threatening them would be dishonoring Himself.

    What point is in dishonoring yourself to protect yourself?

    You have protected something that is no longer worth protecting.

    At least that is what I gather.

  • monophonic

    i'm reading "foreskin's lament" right now, about 40 pages in, buy Auslander, and i'm laughing my ass off b/c he nails it re: the god that's going to kill him at any moment.

    even killing the first born of the Egyptians during the plagues....how many of those died innocently, if it really happened, just because their parents made certain decisions.

  • Salivating Dog
    Salivating Dog

    God can strike me down at ANY time He chooses.

    I recognize His power...that is why I strive to be "cautious as a serpent"...when I say what I do, and behave.

    I have a justification for my actions before I act..that way if I do screw up and get struck down..I will have my case ready to present in my defense.

    Sometimes it can be a good thing when your opposers watch your every move waiting to strike and accuse you of wrongdoing.

    Then you present your airtight case...and THEY end up looking like jackasses....NOT you.

    I have learned to cover my own six at all times, as a result.

  • bobld

    marmot. Ask him why didn't JW help kill Nazi Hilter.This maniac killed JW that is their brother/sisters.


  • marmot

    I asked him about that and he said it's because we're no longer living in the tribal warfare state that ancient Israel was in.

    I don't like debating with my uncle because he's never going to entertain an opposing viewpoint. He turns the argument into ad hominem attacks or starts patronizing you for not taking his view. He's able to twist any argument into justifying the bible, no matter how vile the situation.

  • new boy
    new boy

    This really was the root cause of why I left...

    I was raised to be a passivist....I couldn't even hit someone without getting into hot water.

    My God wasn't....He wants to kill just about everyone....sure he going to "feel bad" afterwards but still..

    How could I be nicer then him?

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