need a scan of the wt jan 15 2008

by cultswatter 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    Did I say it would?.. Re-read my posts. A TIFF IMAGE IS MADE FROM RAW SCANNER OUTPUT OR RAW DIGITAL CAMERA OUTPUT. You can not make a high quality TIFF from a JPEG. How many times do I have to say it?? That is WHY I have asked for a TIFF image all along. I want someone to scan the Jan 15-08 and put the image directly into TIFF format.

    Not the whole bloody JAN 15 -08 either- just the page that has the triangle and the page of the kid that has a beard


    Look folks - only a few persons (apostates ) have this latest WT .There are about 1000 photoshop experts out there that would be very grateful for some TIFFS !!!

  • BabaYaga

    Am I the only one who wants to say, "GET a SCANNER, Cultswatter!"???

    Or perhaps to shake Cultswatter like an Etch-A-Sketch?

    Sheesh Louise, CultSwat... we are interested in what you have found, but for the love of gods and all that is holy, yer losin' us here. Make it happen.

  • Gregor

    Cultswatter is having us on. I recognized this on his previous jerk off thread. Ignore this ingnoramus. He is basically giving you all the bird and having a giggle doing it.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Oh where to start

    1. I totally inderstand your reasons for asking for the image as a tiff file. I understand lossy compression versus non-lossy compression.
    2. If someone made a tiff file and then turned it into a pdf file means you would have the tiff file imbedded in the pdf = no loss of data in the file. Turning the tiff file into the pdf might make it easier to post it on the internet
    3. Someone on here said they cannot post the tiff on the internet - the file would be too large. The file size is probably correct. Finding a site where the image can be stored might take a lot of time and effort.
    4. As frustrated as you are about getting your tiff image you will find that politeness and patience rather than attitude might get you what you want. The rate you are going I doubt anyone would want to help you out. A few of th ecomments you have made in your requests for help
    • That is a PDF file sorry I don't want a crappy PDF.. I want a TIFF or no more jests for you

    • Plueeeez

    • Please folks don't try to 2nd guess what I am asking for, I want a TIFF damit!!

    • I feel like Rodney Dangerfield, I get no respect. If it were not for my posts NO ONE WOULD HAVE MADE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TRIANGLE IN THE LIVE FOREVER BOOK WITH THE OTHER TRIANGLES. That is all I have done so far. This is a DEVELOPING STORY I can't possibly know all the details. It is these scans that give the details and there are more jests in the rev climax book THAT ONLY I KNOW ABOUT.

      One other thing, I have proven that the triangle as presented in the live forever book is not that found in the Grimoire of Honerius. The 6 screens of the watchtower got that all wrong. It was an honest mistake on their part because it really did look like a cresent moon inset in a triangle. Go look for yourself at the triangle scan I posted (YES I POSTED THAT TIFF) the eye is not flat. Go look at the triangle in the Jan 15-08 WT, again the eye is not flat - It is protruding (hemispherical or roughly so) That is another Cultswatter first NO ONCE ELSE NOTICED THAT!!!. (hard to know what to leave out of this rant)

    • Once again for the record - TIFFS ARE MADE FROM RAW SCANNER OUTPUT not some crappy PDF to PNG to JPEG to TIFF wacko convertor that you get free from the internet. I KNOW WHAT IAM TALKING ABOUT (more yelling won't get you what you want - lay off the CAPS)

    • I keep giving and giving and I give some more.. How many are now aware of Pascal Petit and that she starred as a lesbian?. How many are now aware of this golden triangle? Who proved that the waterfall scene in the liveforever book was not a waterfall scene at all. If it were not for Cultswatter, JWD would be a lot more ignorant than it is today (thanks for the info. . . I think)
    • Did I say it would?.. Re-read my posts. A TIFF IMAGE IS MADE FROM RAW SCANNER OUTPUT OR RAW DIGITAL CAMERA OUTPUT. You can not make a high quality TIFF from a JPEG. How many times do I have to say it?? That is WHY I have asked for a TIFF image all along. I want someone to scan the Jan 15-08 and put the image directly into TIFF format.

      Not the whole bloody JAN 15 -08 either- just the page that has the triangle and the page of the kid that has a beard


    With this the way you ask for help I'm not surprised people don't bother


    Saving a tif as a jpeg to post online for you to download is gonna do absolutely nothing to the visual quality of the scan. You only lose quality in a bitmap image saved as a jpeg, only after it's been opened and compressed multiple times over.

    To be fair saving any image file format (not only bitmaps) as a jpg file will result in loss of image quality. Trying to extract a high quality image from one piece of the jpg image becomes increasingly difficult the more times it is saved.

  • cultswatter

    Look, you guys don't know sqawk about computers. I used to program in machine language - so lay off

    Saving a tif as a jpeg to post online for you to download is gonna do absolutely nothing to the visual quality of the scan. You only lose quality in a bitmap image saved as a jpeg, only after it's been opened and compressed multiple times over.

    That is bloody stupid and wrong. A JPEG IS A COMPRESSION FORMAT the very first time you save an image as a JPEG it will loose picture information. There is no such thing as a LOSSLESS JPEG!!!! On the other hand a TIFF is a LOSSLESS format. Forget about Alpha Omega's lousy PDF that he got from foykc because you will never be able to extract any quality images from it.

    Another load of nonsense

    1. If someone made a tiff file and then turned it into a pdf file means you would have the tiff file imbedded in the pdf = no loss of data in the file. Turning the tiff file into the pdf might make it easier to post it on the internet
      Any one who made a TIFF file and then turned it into a PDF has got to have rocks in their head. That conversion is also a compression scheme. That is why the entire jan 15-08 WT PDF was only 8.8 MB in size. NO! NO! NO! the TIFF file IS NOT IMBEDDED in the PDF anywhere - if it was embedded then PDF would be well over 100MB in size. Sorry to burst your bubble

    Another thing I HAVE A SCANNER AND A DAMN GOOD ONE i don't have any source material OK?

    Anyway that is todays rant

  • AlphaOmega
    Look, you guys don't know sqawk about computers. I used to program in machine language - so lay off

    Didn't we all... (among other languages) !

    Sadly in the days of machine code, scanners weren't much cop.

    Any one who made a TIFF file and then turned it into a PDF has got to have rocks in their head.

    I made the PDF from JPGs of 300DPI each page was around 800Kb. I compressed it further in order to make it easy to download.

    I think that you are missing the point about HOW you are asking; afterall, do you have any clue as to why this thread was locked, it wasn't due to technical issues over image compression !

    You'll find that more paper copies will surface and that it is likely that someone will be able to comply with your request (if they are willing).

    Why haven't you replied to YOUR thread about the jewellery thief - people provided the scans as requested there. It makes people think that you are just stringing them along.

  • Magick

    i'd be hard pressed to give this guy a nickle if i met him on the street.

  • cultswatter

    I get no respect!! I could find tits on Jesus and no one would believe me

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