Oral Review?

by averyniceguy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • averyniceguy

    My parents said that they are having oral review tonight at the KH. How long is the oral review? I remember written review, but I do not know what oral review is really like. Comments please. Thank you!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Oral Review replaced the Written Review about 3(?) or 4 years ago. It is no longer a thing where
    you pre-study then take a test. Now, you pre-study and then just share your answers from
    your pre-study out loud. They just skip the test part now. (Dumbing down the procedure because
    many people felt bad about failing the test)

    It is the same as the Written Review otherwise.

  • Zico

    The oral review replaced the written review a few years ago.

    Instead of a written exam, it's basically now a question-and-answer session. There are 15 questions, and it's based on parts of the Theocratic Ministry School over the last 2 months. Last about... 30 minutes I think.

  • BFD

    Give me a C

  • averyniceguy

    30 minutes long oral review? It makes the meeting shorter tonight. Right?

  • Dagney
    Give me a C


  • BrentR

    That shows how long I have been out, I had completely forgotten about those. I remember my mom would review mine and then bitch me out for the ones I missed.

  • cyd0099

    That's just dumb.

    How could anybody fail the written review? I filled mine in when the answers were given, perfect score every time!

  • OnTheWayOut
    It makes the meeting shorter tonight. Right?

    No, not physically shorter. There is still a 45 minute Theocratic Ministry School.
    They keep the 5 minute Speaking lesson and the 10 minute Bible Highlights.

    That's followed by a 30 minute Q&A from the Review printed in the Kingdom Ministry.
    It's one of those "I look so smart because I looked up and printed the answer" feelings
    that causes the cognitive dissonance with anyone who isn't sure of the WTS being
    right on the matter.

  • BFD

    Give me a U

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