Bets on when the UN prophecy will be dropped?

by marmot 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    this is one of their only prophecies that actually makes sense. religion started because the original king priests were taking all the heat for crop failures and needed a fall they invented the high priesthood...but these guys were no dumbies and so they learned how to get people to blame themsleves and not them...and that gave them tremendous power. its not hard to see how one day the politicos would want sole domination and take back the power that religion has had over mankind...using their new bride, Science as the excuse to divorce the old whore.

  • freyd

    QUOTE: PROPLOG2 "The UN prophecy will be dropped when the UN is destroyed by a nuclear blast along with the rest of Manhattan & the Watchtower headquarters."

    "Why should we allow our failure in chronology to hide the beauty of our basic church doctrine? This church does have the answers to nearly all the spiritual questions you may have (our experience has shown). Send in your question. Put us to the test! email [email protected]
    To see our basic church doctrine please visit and have a look and the index to this site.

    As regards our latest prediction for the first birth pang of the Kingdom of God...
    We no longer have a scriptural mandate to publish in advance the precise day of the first birth pang of the Kingdom of God which we understand to be a terrorist nuclear bomb or dirty bomb hitting the UN plaza in Midtown Manhattan. But we now have several flexi-proofs that this event will occur sometime during the month of 2007Nisan.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    Does the WT still actively teach that the UN is the wild beast? Or are they just letting that belief kinda fade out on its own?
  • smiddy

    Wouldn`t surprise me Coded Logic , that`s what they usually do with failed prophecy`s made by them .

    Between the 1960`s and 70`s they would quote the scripture that said " when they are saying peace and security " then instant destruction will be upon them " I Thes .5:3

    We are more than 30 years after that fateful year.

    But hang on the scripture in Revelation says , 2000 years ago,Rev :22 : 20 where Jesus is coming " quickly" , and he is still not here for that final judgement , over 2000 years later.

    The United Nations did in fact declare a year in the 1980`s as a year of Peace and Security and nothing like 'instant /destruction " occurred .

    I may be wrong but I don`t think that was the only year the UN designated a year as peace & security.


  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Yes, and yes.

    So, what can we expect will happen during the coming great tribulation? Jehovah will “cut short” the attack of the United Nations on false religion, not allowing true religion to be destroyed with the false.


    4 How will the great tribulation begin? The book of Revelation answers by describing the destruction of “Babylon the Great.”

    But who will destroy the harlotlike organization? Jehovah God will put “his thought” into the hearts of “the ten horns” of the “scarlet-colored wild beast.” These horns represent all the present political powers that give support to the United Nations, an organization pictured by the “scarlet-colored wild beast.”


  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    Thanks for the WT quotes AA!
  • jookbeard
    another one they will have to be careful with after decades of utter hypocrisy and condemnation to the so called churches of Christendom who did join yet they joined deceitfully themselves, a lot of potential egg on their face, could have similar consequences if/when they drop 1914. In all honesty the so called "attack on them and religion" is an insane prospect and doesn't have any credibility at all.
  • 2+2=5
    The JWs ridiculous interpretation of Revelation 18 played a large part in my waking up. Their whole theology is a complete dogs breakfast.
  • nowwhat?
    I always wondered how in the heck could the U N. Tell all the Muslim nations they can't worship Allah anymore and destroy their mosques? I would always get a shrug of the shoulders from the brothers, when I would bring it up.
  • ttdtt

    Won't ever be dropped.

    It's one of those things that can keep going with no punitive response.

    The terms the WT uses are so broad and generic, and the fit in with the general purpose of the UN to help facilitate a peaceful world

    It is also one that they can KEEP SPINNING depending on the world situation.
    Like the King of the North - Russia, China, Islam, Coalition of Nations.

    Its all vague BS that works when people are Uneducated - and are Dissuaded into looking at FACTS, or History.

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