by free2beme 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    In this world there is a title, a title that makes people upset to hear mentioned. Yet more often then not, it simply fits. The title is JERK, or basically someone that is a complete ass and not someone who is being nice or a good person. Although they exist in society, people often defend them when they are pointed out, thinking that the title is some how insulting to them or perhaps demeaning in some way. Defense that makes the JERK happy, as they want to remain hidden and such announcements take away there power of JERK shook. You know, the moment in a conversation or meeting, in which the JERK says or does something that is insulting or rude. Even if only to affect a certain percentage as the group and impress the others with JERK envy. Envy of wishing you were willing to debase yourself enough to get what seems like positive attention, and ignoring the fact that most people seeing the JERK would be happy to see this person; fired, kicked out, deported, etc.

    So why are we as a society so afraid to use the term JERK? Why do we teach people to be nice, by saying they should not use such a term, giving the JERK more victims for a longer period of time? Perhaps we have JERK fear, in that we are afriad that by pointing out the JERK, we may be showing JERK traits in ourself. So better to remain silent and insulted with the JERK, then to sink to their level or perhaps acknowledge them to much and be a JERK target. You know, the person the JERK can not help but be more JERKY with and perhaps turn up their JERK power to see if they can cause more problems.

    I think in the end, we all know who JERKS are and what a JERK wants from others and this world and yet we can not help but be shocked when one appears. How dare that JERK exist, how can we all put up with this JERK, when is this JERK going to leave? Yes, they exist, and yes there is nothing wrong with feeling that someone is a JERK. That is life and life is full of JERKS, although most of them are in politics using their JERK power to control others. From time to time though, they appear elsewhere and bother us all. Yet in the end, is it worth dealing with the JERK? As the JERK is something also associated with JERKing off, and often the feeling a JERK gets from getting a rise out of you is a lot like the rise and thrill that comes from JERKing off. So would you want to be the material for a person JERKing off; a porn star or a nude model? Then why be one in the JERK's world that has them spanking their mind to ecstasy. Take that JERK agression and actually JERK something that makes you happy and not them and perhaps if more people did that, JERKS would be less powerful and less noticeable, as we would be to happy to even notice them and then maybe the JERK would come to an end and become JERK powerless. The point at which they realize no one cares or listens to them and they take their JERK life and move on elsewhere without you.

    Or perhaps I am just a JERK .... Just my thought

  • NotaNess

    OK, I'm sorry for whatever topic or post I made that spawned this topic.

  • Gopher

    "Why do we teach people to be nice?" Good question. Nice doesn't always work.

    I don't know if calling someone a JERK would resolve the situation. It might just escalate it .

    But people do need to deal better with rude, aggressive behavior. We teach people how to treat us. Once a boundary has been crossed, we promptly and firmly should say "that was wrong, I won't put up with that" instead of just letting it go on. The longer such rude, aggressive behavior goes on, the greater the harm and the chance of saving the situation diminishes.

    All it takes is one person in the group to speak up. If the rude person is intimidating, it may take a little firmness to speak up. But it may save the situation from deterioration.

  • free2beme

    I thought of this, after a conversation I had at work today. Don't anyone take it personal.

  • marmot

    I really REALLY hate that term because it was thrown at us kids so much when I was growing up. My dad always used to call us that and I find it's one of the most hurtful things you can say to me now.

    In hindsight I'm able to recognize that my father, flawed as he was, was simply trying to break a cycle of abuse that started when he was a kid, so instead of using belts he used angry, sarcastic, hurtful words.

    My mission is to stop the cycle completely when I have kids.

  • RisingEagle

    I used the term on someone just this evening. I was at a burger joint/ice cream parlor and had just placed my order and sat down at one of the tables when an older gentleman came in and gave his order. He then turned to find a place to sit and wait as well. Since there weren't any empty tables he walked over to a man who was sitting alone and asked if it would be ok if he shared the man's table. The guy at the table ignored him so the older fellow repeated his question but just a little louder. The guy at the table looked at him and told him 'no' he wanted to sit by himself. The older fellow turned to look for another place to sit and I waved him over to share my table while we waited. We had a pleasant conversation. His order was ready first so he thanked me and then left the restaurant. When my order was ready I took it from the counter and walked over to the man that had been mean to the other guy. I told him that it was rude to deny a seat to a senior citizen and when he didn't reply I said:

    "You're a jerk!"

    When I got home I told my wife about the incident and she told me I should have called him an 'Asshole'. She's always been better at assessing people than I am.

  • marmot

    See, asshole I have no problem with. I find it also carries a lot more weight behind it when you're trying to convey the thought "you're REALLY not a nice person."

  • Warlock

    JERK is a good word.

    I use it sometimes, but I prefer using the word asshole.


  • RisingEagle

    That's interesting marmot. I on the other hand try not to use what might be considered 'foul language' in public. In that sense 'jerk' to me is acceptable because it doesn't strike me as 'cussing'. Although now that I think about it, it's really just exchanging one word for another. The tone and meaning of 'asshole' and 'jerk' would have been the same in that incident. My thinking about the difference in the words has to be some latent jw garbage I have yet to let go.

  • purplesofa

    JERK is a good word.

    I use it sometimes, but I prefer using the word asshole.

    assholes can be likable...........and they can change

    Jerks just dont get it and never will......which makes them a pain in the ass.



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