by snowbird 48 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sad emo
Is this an ex nihilo thread then?
(just in case - you know you can't paste directly from word - put it in wordpad first)
LOL. I'm at work, was interrupted with something of immense importance, accidentally hit Submit Post.
Now I've forgotten what I was going to write.
I always type eveything in Reply box. I never paste anything. I don't even know what Notepad or Wordpad is.
Should I be doing that???
Sad emo
lol! You sound like me - I often start typing a reply around 2 hours before it gets posted when I'm at work!
Sometimes if you're writing a long post, its better to use another program than the reply box - just for ease of looking back through what you typed. If you type directly into the reply box, I recommend that you copy the whole lot (2 bits of paper next to the scissors!) before hitting submit - that way if anything goes wrong, you can resubmit it by pasting it into a fresh reply or into your edit post.
Wordpad and Notepad are in the accessories part of Windows - if you're on a Mac, I guess that's not much use though!
Well thank you for that tutorial, Sad Emo.
I just keep right on a-learnin' and a-learnin.'
Sad emo
I learnt from bitter experience lol! My internet connection has this nasty habit of dropping 0.5 miliseconds after I hit the submit button
Here's a fact about Genesis -- most people don't know about it.
In spite of the claims of the majority of Americans to be religious, shockingly little is actually known about religion and the textbooks that underlie it.
Here's the key quote from that article:
According to a 2000/2001 Gallup Poll, 60% of Americans say they attend a Church or Synagogue with 92 percent saying they own a Bible, BUT:
1. Fewer than half of Americans can name the first book of the Bible (Genesis), only one-third know who delivered the Sermon on the Mount (many named Billy Graham, not Jesus), and one-quarter do not know what is celebrated on Easter (the Resurrection, the foundational event of Christianity).
2. Six out of ten Americans can’t name half of the Ten Commandments.
3. Only half of adults could name any of the Four Gospels, only 37% could name all.
4. 38% of Americans believe the entire Bible was written decades after Jesus’death (The Old Testament was written before him)You'd think that people in a religious country would have at least a minimum of education about the book so central to the major religion!!! (My hunch -- for very many, their faith is blind.)
great band
did they do the north american tour yet..
if not you should catch them if you can
Yep. I think my topic was going to be about something I read about Genesis.
I'm too frazzled right now to gather my thoughts.