Is that a pumpkin in your window, brother?

by Fatfreek 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sparky1

    "The circuit overseer, Henry Judson............."

    What a 'blast from the past'. I grew up in Massachusetts and I remember that 'old bag of wind'.

  • blondie

    I see this is an old one. We put out pumpkins again for the harvest season. Also Indian corn on the porch posts. And a pumpkin welcome sign, mums. No visits yet.

  • caves

    There is something fundamentally wrong with having to explain a pumpkin in or around someones house in the season pumpkins are harvested.

    There's nothing like being 7 years old and having your jw guardian explaining in detail to the cashier that the baking pumpkin she was buying was for pumpkin custard and not a pagan holiday , like the cashier gave a sh&%. But I'm standing there watching it all unfold and realized that she(the jw) sounded like a retarded babbling buffoon.

    Ahh memories.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    I'm amazed, Sparky1, that someone on this forum remembers him and is contemporary with me. I will turn 78 next week and still remember that year of 1956 well. We had that circuit assembly in New Bedford in the fall of that year. During that same year we had a visit of "celebrities" from Bethel, giving us a weekend's worth of special talks. Included in attendance was Fred Franz (on the left) engaged with a smiling Henry Hudson.

    Hudson was living near either Taunton or Brockton. He had a daughter, Shirley, who attended our New Bedford congregation, which was on the third floor of the Lumiansky Insurance building. That's where the above photo was taken by this 15 year old (me) with a cheapo Kodak camera I'd gotten for Christmas two years earlier (when we celebrated holidays).

    It so happens that we now have a wonderful internet which provided some details of Shirley and her father. See capture below. Apparently, she and husband lived across the Acushnet River from New Bedford in Fairhaven. Len Miller.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    I just looked up Franz's age and he was born in 1893 which would make him some 63 years old when the pic was taken. Judson, though he looked older, was born in 1899, some 6 years younger than Franz.

  • EverApostate

    During the late 1990’s our home in India hosted the weekly Book Studies. We were living in the 2nd floor and had let the 1st floor for rent. The rented people were Hindus and they used to make some colorful decorations on the common floor , most of the time. It would be nice to look at it, and it is somewhat attached to their belief system

    The Elder who came for the Book study counseled us not to allow our tenant to display their religious Symbols in the common area. We didn’t care anyway.

  • sparky1

    I'm not quite as old as you are, Len but our generations 'overlap'! Remember the Assemblies at the old Taunton Dog Track? Here is some names that you must remember: John Stuefloten, Franklin Park, Samuel Belfiore, Rudy Sunel (Brother in law to Don and Joel Adams) ;all Circuit Servants. Charlie Sarakin service dept troubleshooter. Bob Cunerd , special pioneer and then Circuit Servant. Phil Wilcox, pioneer and now Bethel heavy. I believe that Judson died in 1984, just reaching 85 years old. He 'stayed alive till '75', but it didn't do him a damn bit of good.

  • LV101

    Those ole fools make me want to have a pumpkin farm and keep xmas decor up 24/7 - I'd use my UBM/husband as the excuse if I were in the cult. I used to enjoy xmas shopping with all the witness sales clerks enjoying all the commissions. Now I wouldn't allow them benefit of my heathen practices. The idea of some ole goat asking a young, 15-yr. old boy about having a pumpkin in the window is hilarious!

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Thanks, Sparky1. I moved to the midwest after graduating high school in '58 but Mom and Dad kept me posted and many of those names sound familiar.

    The pic above is my newly baptized and smiling dad, Wesley Miller, Fred Franz among admirers left to right, Bill Silva, Bob Morris, and Frank Gonsalves.

    I understand Bill Silva and wife Veronica went into Circuit work.

    Len Miller

  • Vidiot
    "Is that a pumpkin in your window, brother..."

    "...or are you just happy to see me?"

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