Great post, Auld.
We may feel like freaks as having any close link with JW. But this Weapon is still being used with way more power in islam....they still cut off body parts, whip in public, and stone and behead people!! The Catholics of long ago is another good analogy. I told my therepist and my dad that JW is the most judgemental religion on earth except for islam. But here in the USA we are one of four well known groups that do severe shunning or casting out....Amish, Hassidic Jew, Mormans and us. I saw a great documentary on Hassidics and those that left have started a kind of a jewsih halfway house for cast off kids who are almost helpless.....I wish religion was 21 year old has been df'd since 16.
Exactly, oompa.
As for making religion illegal, that's a slippery slope. But we can do our part to educate ourselves and those around us about the dangers inherent in religion.
Teach me also how to speed up the de-indoctrination process....
How to best deprogram yourself?
Familiarize yourself with history, modern and ancient.
You'll find that JWs are just one of many apocalyptic groups that have taken control of the lives of their adherents while having far less impact on society in general than they would like to admit.