No prob, A&O. The 1995 interpretation has been very hard to understand.
When will new "generation" understanding be published?
by cabasilas 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
damnit! i think i missed something. about what future change do you speak about? can someone guide me to the original thread? i only know the QFR change about the anointed which sounded like a intro to a bigger change.
The word "generation" does appear in the rendering of both passages in certain translations. According to the KingJamesVersion, the apostle Peter wrote: "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light." And Jesus foretold: "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."—
Ya gotta love it.
A 2-page QFR from 1995 explaining, with dozens of scriptural references, why the King James Version's idea that "this generation" refers to the "royal priesthood, holy nation" (dub-code for "the 144,000") is WRONG WRONG WRONG.
Per the 1995 article, replete with all that "meat in due season" scriptural backup and "logical" development, proves, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that "this generation" is NOT the anointed Christinas.
Publically disagree with that viewpoint, and you would be disfellowhipped for "apostasy" and/or "causing divisions".
Now, at some point in early 2008, along will come another WT article, replete with dozens more scriptural references and "logical" development, proving, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that "this generation" DOES INDEED refer to the anointed, as the KJV indicates.
Publically disagree with that viewpoint, a complete 180 degree turn from the previous understanding, and you would be disfellowhipped for "apostasy" and/or "causing divisions".
The "Ministry of Truth" is alive and well! (Or would that be "The Ministry of Truthiness"?)
Is it just me, or does the 1995 aticle NOT ACUALLY state what their interpretation is... it only states what it is not ?
I did not really see any new info from the annual meeting notes. The annointed are part of the physical generation. The non-anointed are part of the physical generation. So what difference does it make???? Much ado about nothing I'm afraid, and has no bearing on anything to do with figuring out when "the End" is coming or where we are in the stream of time...........oompa
The way I understand the current WT teaching is that the term generation is not to be understood as a life span (70-80 years). Rather it encompasses an indefinite period of time covering the entire spectrum of events occurring during the last days. These are all of the events that precede the Great Tribulation.
Anyone have any news as to when the new "generation" understanding that was announced at the Annual Meeting will be published? Perhaps, the February 15th Watchtower
So I was out to dinner with some pretty hard core Jws and they were abuzz with this new understanding. Can you elaborate? or direct me to thread that speaks of it?
Just wondering....has the February 15, 2008 WT study issue been released? I'm wondering if it'll contain the new "generation" info?