A desperate time for JW as realisation inevitable dawns .....

by Gill 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gill

    In time, slowly and inevitably, a lot of JWs will realise that they have been conned. They may deny it at first but eventually a substantial amount will discover that they have lost their lives, their talents and their potential to of all things, a book publishing company!

    So, what will their reactions be? How much past 2014 can these people continue without their worlds crashing in on them and a terrible realisation dawning on them?

    I suspect a rise in the suicide rate for JWs which is a pretty horrific thought. Those who do not succumb may well be in serious need of psychiatric care for their horizons will have vanished along with their own lives.

    So what do you think the ones understand what has really happened to them will do?

    A new 'Generation Change' doctrine is about to descend on them like a block of cement. How many will it knock out?

    For how many will it lift the curtain on reality?

  • Gill
  • nvrgnbk

    Excellent post, Gill.

    The reality is already overcoming many.

    However, most wouldn't dare speak of their disappointment, for fear of being labeled unappreciative or "fleshly" in their thinking.

  • marmot

    Truth is, not many.

    People are just comfortable with their routines and anytime there's doubt they'll just say "where else would we go?" You could make an announcement from the platform that armageddon won't be around for at least another 600 years and they'd all swallow it down without nary a peep with reasoning like "It's been almost 2000 years that "the end" has been nigh so what's a few hundred more?"

    You can make them believe and do anything because they're captive.

  • Sirona

    I pointed out that the GB have made the "144000" calling open again....meaning any person can now claim to be anoined. The result will be that Armageddon could be 50 years away.

    Response from JW relatives: "So?" "We don't know the day or the hour anyway"


  • Gill

    nvrgnbk - I'm glad you see it too! I can't help but notice that JWs are different now... more fanatical to a certain extent because deep inside they are roaring to be free and are slowly realising that something is wrong with the WTBTS!

    Mamot - The WTBTS is a religion with a use by day stamped on its arse! 1914 is still used as an important date. Once that date is dropped a lot of older ones will shudder as they understand why. Come 2014 a hundred years will have passed and the older ones still remember 1975, even if they don't dare talk about it!

    Critical times hard to deal with are on the verge of exploding in Watchtower land! Watch and see!

    This new Watchtower is turning out to be as crazy as predicted and its only the first issue!

    I dread or in fact look forward to reading furthur BS that they have the audacity to print! If we have noticed then I'm sure the dubbies are noticing!

  • Gill

    Sirona - they have to say that, don't they! I too would once have said the same but that is to cover up the desperate paddling that goes on beneath the surface to try to appear to really be 'in da troof'!

    The December 15th Watchtower is talking in such a way that Armageddon could be next week and dubbies must obey the every command from the fDS! How long can you keep 6 million people on red alert before they realise that something is not going to happen?

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Afternoon Gill ...so true. There can't be any right-minded/thinking/intelligent adults left who actually BELIEVE this WT crap - I'm aware of longtime (adult) JWs who miss most meetings due to various mental problems...Old JWs, in my experience, just question their own ability to keep up with the Org's changes...and a little like Brooks in 'The Shawshank Redemption' who's institutionalised and can't survive without being organised by the the prison system (tops himself). I wonder how the average age of a dub has changed over the years?

  • Gill

    Hi MC - Average age would be fascinating to see and especially how it has changed.

  • metatron

    I don't know..... if we predict a tipping point in the near future, I think we may need more than a

    simple change in the "generation" to do it. Most Witnesses won't even think about such a change.

    We're talking about a fantastically dumb religion here.

    I will concede, however, that something intangible has changed in the organization. No one debates

    about doctrine anymore. They are increasingly isolated in thought, drained emotionally and quietly

    defensive - which contrasts with their past.


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