In time, slowly and inevitably, a lot of JWs will realise that they have been conned. They may deny it at first but eventually a substantial amount will discover that they have lost their lives, their talents and their potential to of all things, a book publishing company!
So, what will their reactions be? How much past 2014 can these people continue without their worlds crashing in on them and a terrible realisation dawning on them?
I suspect a rise in the suicide rate for JWs which is a pretty horrific thought. Those who do not succumb may well be in serious need of psychiatric care for their horizons will have vanished along with their own lives.
So what do you think the ones understand what has really happened to them will do?
A new 'Generation Change' doctrine is about to descend on them like a block of cement. How many will it knock out?
For how many will it lift the curtain on reality?