And you believe that God will help you to get through the difficulty? Sometimes I believe in chinese fortune-telling. According the birth date, face and thenar lines the whole life can be forecasted. So that means God hat already arranged the people’s destiny before the birth. If God is a lovely farther, why someone have a rough time and cannot change.
Do you pray for God every day?
by zhangyigzcn 13 Replies latest jw friends
ABSOLUTELY, no I do not believe in pre-destination but I do believe He helps those with faith as stated many times in the Bible
Brother Apostate
I pray to God everyday. The God of the Bible doesn't teach Chinese fortune telling, in fact, fortune telling is a sin. Predestination is also not taught in the Bible. It is a teaching of men, not God.
"Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right." -Acts 10:34, 35
BA- Setting things straight.
Honestly, I don't pray to God everyday. I pray regularly. My faith in God has never wavered, especially during troubled times.
To be honest, I don't think that I have prayed to God since I left the cong.
Before I left, I would only pray before meals (but in the end I often forgot to do that as well), and sometimes before sleep.
And they were always routine prayers (thanks for the food, looking forward to the paradise, blabla) with almost no feelings attached.
I was never good at these things.
kifoy -
I quit praying to God when I realized that He had His own agenda with me that He was going to follow, no matter what. There is no sense wasting my time praying to a Tyrant who has already made up His mind about what He wanted to do with MY life.
Prayer is a waste of time. I prefer daydreaming.
Yes, I pray most days, though perhaps my praying does not match what yours looks like. I focus on the experience of being in contact with this things that is greater than myself.
Do not the scriptures (Jeremiah?) say that God already knows everything about us? What could I possibly add to that? But contemplating that connection with the greater part of what's there helps me keep centered and compassionate in my daily life.
God, in his inifnite uncondifitional love, doesn't need me to pray for him or to him; but it helps make my life work better when I recall I am part of something greater than myself.
I don't understand why GOD would be there for some people, and not there for other honest hearted, sincere lovers of him.
Take for example, a child, who is raised as a believer in god. They love god with all their heart. They are tortured and sexually assaulted on a daily basis by their parents.
This child prays every hour for relief, for help. They pray incessesantly to their heavenly father. No angel comes to the rescue.
That child then thinks, oh, it's because I don't have enough faith.
So they run away, hoping to show GOD that they have faith that GOD will rescue and look after them.
They are found and dragged back home, to the most unimaginable torturous night of their young life.
Tell me, does God give a shit? Nope.
God is dead. Or never existed in the first place.
There is no destiny.
There is no predetermined path, for what sick god would determine that some should have wealth and prosperity and others have famine and disease?
No, there is no god. Not a loving god at least.
If God exists, God is pure evil for not helping those sincere believers who cry out to him.
There is a clever scam running about fortune telling. The scammer gets a list of say 10000 address and sends them predictions for a horse race.
With 10 horses, a seperate letter is sent to each batch of people predicting who will win. After the race 1000 of those letters will have been correct, so another letter is sent out predicting the next race.
The list gets whittled down to 10 people that will have received correct predictions several times in a row. They then trust the individual and send them money for the scammer to bet with for his next pick. The scammer takes the money and runs.
I see prayer the same way. Millions of prayers go unanswered every day, but chances are that circumstances will work out for a small number of those individuals. The scammers (religious leaders) capitalize on these experiences to assert that God exists and is listening. The difference is you aren't gambling a sum of money, chances are you are gambling your life.