I got shunned yesterday

by loosie 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • loosie

    Man I love the feeling of power I get when people run away w/o me doing anything but beiing me.

    But now that I think about it. it's not my power but the power that fear has over them. Dang it I liked my first feeling better.


    I was in Walmart yesterday and I was walking down the main aisle when the P.O. came out from the side aisle. He was making a right until he looked up and saw and the abruptly looked down and turned left instead. He walked away very fast. I was on a power trip for the rest of the day.

    You see I am not DF'd or DA'd. I am just a successful fader. They don't know about the opinions I now hold.

    They are a silly little bunch of people aren't they

  • Gopher

    You were going to come over and anti-Witness to him, and take away his prospects for everlasting life in a world filled with only other Jehovah's Witnesses!

    Or... he's remotely controlled by some guy at Brooklyn. Batteries not included. Ages 4 and up. Do not immerse in water while operating.

  • helncon

    I think its worse when you are with a group of people and they can see that you are getting shunned.

    Keep your head high you have nothing to be ashamed about.


  • moshe

    Loosie- see what happens when you corner the JW with a cart full of stuff in a backed up checkout aisle- they can't move forward and you have them blocked from the back. Call out Bro/Sis'rs name and start yakking at them, when it is obvious that they aren't answering questions or commenting or even nodding back to acknowledge your presense, then unload on them. I would announce in a loud voice- that they are shunning me because I decided I didn't want to be a JW anymore as I quit believing that Jesus picked them as the only true religion in 1919. The JW's get red faced and want to crawl under a rock. The last JW I did that to, learned his lesson and when I said Hi to him in a store a few months later, he said Hi back to me- That was good enough for me.

  • oompa

    loosie: You see I am not DF'd or DA'd. I am just a successful fader. They don't know about the opinions I now hold..........................

    PO walking away from loosie in Walmart speaking in cell phone: "Note to self, have not checked loosies posts on JWD in awhile, check her posts tonight and see if her apostate leanings have gotten worse..out"...............................oompa

  • loosie

    lol oompa. I'll get a knock on the door anytime now. I hope they don't trip over my jack-o-lanterns

  • James Free
    James Free
    I was in Walmart yesterday and I was walking down the main aisle when the P.O. came out from the side aisle. He was making a right until he looked up and saw and the abruptly looked down and turned left instead. He walked away very fast.

    You are assuming he was shunning you. But just as possible is that he had a copy of Playboy and a few R rated DVD's in his cart that he did not want you to see. Maybe even some blood sausage, LOL. And the isle he was leaving he had just met his mistress, the WT study overseer's wife! haha

  • jacethespace

    Intresting you say that youre not dfd because i suddenly realised ive been shunned too kinda.I was walking down the street the other day and an elder was walking towards me i said to him " hello harry" and he looked at me he did nod his head to ackowledge me but turned away and didnt speak.This guy has been in for 50 years as well so i bet hes got some secrets to hide.

    Why do they shun you even when youre not dfd or anything would they say its a matter of concience.

    I knew an ignorant s.o.b in the cong that always seemed to never like me [ probably i think it was cause i always flirted with his daughter] anyway he often used to just blank me even when i spoke to him while i was there and every talk he give he used to say the same thing about how theres bad association even in the congregations we have to watch out for and he always did this while staring at me intently.

    Who meeee.

  • moomanchu
    Why do they shun you even when youre not dfd or anything would they say its a matter of concience.

    It's because of that one scripture "they went out from amongst us they are not of our sort........."

    Moshe, I wish I had half your nerve !!!!!!!! (I still got to make that phone call)

  • alanv

    I got shunned by a witness who before I faded was a life long friend. Can you believe it was at my son's engagement party. She said '' I can't talk to you until you get some help from the elders.'' It was quite an eye opener to my relatives who are all non witnesses. I was able to point out to them that this is what happens if you join their religeon then decide to leave.

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