When you were little growing up as a JW and you lost a tooth and placed it under you pilor where you ever visted by the tooth fairy and did it leave you money or a copy of Awake.
Tooth Fairy
by is there help out there 13 Replies latest jw friends
No money from the tooth fairy for us in our house!
If I found an Awake under my pilow, would that have been the trooth fairy?
Money...but apparently my teeth weren't worth very much!!!
an awake under the pillow................. thats just cruel and unusual
damn...... i used to get a buck a tooth...... tried to knock out a few of my sisters when i needed a new comic book or something
That's a no to that.
But I was handed an Awake at the age of 9 when I asked a "sex" question.
what was on the cover..................bet it was a reference to missionaries of some perswasion
If I found an Awake under my pilow, would that have been the trooth fairy?
I got a quarter, but no pretense of a tooth fairy. Just Mom "playing a game that parents pretend: a fairy takes your tooth and leaves money" I got the money and got the tooth back, too.
I did the same thing with my daughter, but made an attempt at a believable tooth fairy. She got scared about something sneaking into her room (even a good fairy) so the whole thing reverted to my mom's way. Oh well.
So the word is out: MOM IS THE TOOTH FAIRY.
An Awake under my pilow?
I'd call that the Truth Fairy.
Len Miller
If somebody put an Awake! under my pillow, I'd put a moldy dog terd under theirs! It's kinda funny, but for a magazine that's called Awake! it sure can put you to sleep in a hurry. Do they still have Awakes!? I've only seen Watchtowers. My dad litters my house with them whenever he visits. I'm still removing a few from my bodily orifices from his last visit.