Good bye, Dial Up ...

by compound complex 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Friends:

    Getting in a few last words before the new switcheroo at 8:00 a.m. I'm assuming that there's an instant turning off of the old on the landline and a turning on of the new. It will be a revelation [the good, not the WT kind] to watch and hear YouTube et al at high speed.

    Hope the conversion isn't too grueling; a flesh-and-blood technician is on board to assist.

    Hoping to return with the greatest possible dispatch ...


  • eclipse

    Post us when you return online!

    Welcome to a faster internet

  • ninja

    no more go slow .....for my mate co co.....woo hooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • bite me
    bite me

    I said good bye to dial up years ago. It is amazing how slow it is once you get a taste of a higher connnection. Recently I had to temporary use dial up and my world just crawled. I don't know how we all got through that time. I would never go back. Videos and music will hardly have to buffer. I think you'll love it. Becareful though, you may enjoy it too much and for awhile spend more time on the net because you can go places faster than you have ever gone. Enjoy!

  • misanthropic

    Ah CoCo- you're going to love it so much you'll never be able to go back...


  • changeling

    Welcome to the 21st century CoCo!

    Beter late than never!


  • LoverOfTruth

    Amazing you're still on Dial-Up. I've been cable connected for years. Congratulations!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    There'll be no stopping you now CoCo!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    Two hours later! The installation cd was just finishing up and the power went out! I called AT&T help line and got patient and point-by-point help from the nicest technician. He explained that the cd got confused when the power came back on. We had to do some steps more than once before the internet was up - HERE I AM!

    The new and slow part now is getting used to my new notebook - Windows XP. There are some twists and turns I've gotta get used to. Mostly getting used to a keyboard with a different "feel." Don't know how else to explain it. And the screen is so different from my huge Trinitron Multiscan 200ES on my desktop.

    Thanx so much for your much appreciated comments!



  • maxwell

    Soon you'll wonder how you ever got along with dial up. I switched to DSL around 2002. Then to cable early last year. Big difference from dial-up to DSL. Not so much from DSL to cable. But apparently cable is significantly faster or has the potential to be. My job will not allow tele work on a DSL connection. You must have a cable connection or fiber optic connection.

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