tell the board some embarrassing secret from where you live
by ninja 24 Replies latest jw friends
Leicesters greatest band............Showaddywaddy
Desert Hot Springs, a town where the mayor has been evicted from his place of business a half dozen times (half a dozen different places). The entire city council is under investigation by the Grand Jury. The city is broke but they just hired a city manager at $300K a year, more than the city managers of any other city in the valley, including the rich ones like Rancho Mirage or Indian Wells. Some of the people running for office this year wear shorts and have long hair and believe in UFOs, which in themselves aren't bad characteristics, but ya kinda want someone with a little business or civic experience to run the city and pass the laws.
rose petal
Fifi40, I remember Showaddywaddy! I just can't remember what they sang!
I live in Ipswich, which takes over where Brisbane, Queensland, leaves off. Nothing ever happens here. The only thing I can think of is what passes for entertainment on Saturday night for the youth around here. They go lapping, which entails having a fancy car and doing laps around the main streets. A loud speaker system is a must, I understand.
The local police are not happy with this, and impound any car that doesn't conform to the safety rules.
rose petal
This is no secret, our neighborhood and myself has been on 48 hours because of this moron, but it is embarassing......
This is an uptight, conservative, Bible thumping area. No secret, just sux for me.
Rae Carruth
one of my business partners is having a affair with 3 other women, and he is no looker, got$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
big d
The Mayor of Boston is Tom Menino. He has a speaking problem, and is called Mumbles Menino by many. Sometimes there are contests on the radio to see if people can figure out what he said. Sometimes it is hilarious. When I first moved back to Massachusetts after a 20 year absense, I found it amazing that the Mayor of Boston could sound like this....after all, here we are in the neighborhood of some of the top colleges in the country and the Mayor sounds like...well you'll see...
go here and click on any of the lines
The Humper
i live in the olympia, tacoma, seattle area and it has more sex offenders/ child molestors then most places. its because there is a prison that houses them and once they serve thier time and are released they plant thier roots in the area.