This is posted on a friend of mine's blog. We just reconnected after 18 years. the dude used to crack me up in high school.
The Serengeti Letters
A Series of Messages as Relayed Around an African Water-hole by Tickbirds
Dear Wildebeest,
I fear the crocodiles have had their yellow eyes on you since sun-up. I know I put myself in grave danger by telling you, for if they don't get you then they'll very likely get me, but I just wanted to warn you. I feel it would be quite a shame for a creature as gorgeous as yourself to get eaten on such a fine day. Perhaps this evening, that is of course if you survive the afternoon, maybe we could meet underneath the cluster of trees and graze upon the green grass there.
Yours truly,
p.s. Your horns are very beautiful. How do you like my stripes?
Dear Zebra,
Although I appreciate your concern for my well-being, I have it on good authority from the Wise Old Warthog that the things in the water which you've mistaken for crocodiles are but mere knobby old logs. As I am certain the Wise Old Warthog is correct, I believe I shall indeed survive the afternoon. Therefore, meeting you for a grazing this evening sounds delightful.
p.s. Your stripes are very nice.
Dear Crocodiles,
We have received word that you may have once again invaded our favorite water-hole and that you are causing all sorts of havoc and terror... again. We hippos hope for your sakes that there is no basis of truth to this rumor at all, and that the water-hole will be peaceful and quiet by the time we arrive. So unless you want us to stomp on your backs... again, we recommend you leave the immediate vicinity of the water-hole immediately. We appreciate your prompt co-operation in this matter.
Your carelessness snort shouting 'CROCODILES, CROCODILES!!' at the first sign of old knobby logs has all but started snort skree panic on our side of the water-hole. In the snort future, sir, I suggest you double-check snort snort skreeeee!
W. O. Warthog
Dear Crocodiles,
There is a dispute among the animals around the water-hole as to whether or not you are indeed crocodiles or just old knobby logs. I ask humbly that you settle this dispute forthrightly, either by simply sending out word that you are crocodiles, or by not replying at all which will give us a good indication that you are true logs, for true logs normally will not reply to messages.
I thank you in advance,
Dear Zebra,
We are logs.
Dear Wise Old Warthog,
Indeed, the things in the water-hole are but mere old knobby logs, just as you said. I am sorry I doubted your Wise Old Judgment. I apologize for any confusion or panic I may have caused.