A hospital in Arkansas has isolated its entire intensive care unit and isn't admitting new patients due to the outbreak of a potentially deadly drug-resistant bacterial infection, FOXNews.com has confirmed...It is not known how the patients were exposed to the pathogen acinetobacter.
The strain bears similarities to so-called "staph" infections but is unrelated, according to Chopra. It tends to afflict very sick people, can be fatal and is the third most common bacterial infection in hospital ICUs.
In light of that overnight news of a nearby Hot Springs (AR) hospital I thought I'd share my recent experience. I spent a few days at our Camden hospital where my windowed room peered out to the nurses station island. Between that station and my room was a sink where much hand washing ritual took place.
You'd think that all nurses who used this sink were fairly consistent in that practice. Nothing could be further from the truth. While I don't pretend that my observations (hey, I had little else to do) were scientific, they were enlightening.
Of the nurses that used the sink (I asked one nurse and she said it was a requirement if they had just left a patient's room):
- Some used soap and water.
- Some used only water.
- One turned the faucet on for a few seconds, then walked past.
- Some didn't use it at all. From my vantage point I could see nurses go in and out of various rooms and never use the sink.
I'd say less than half of the nurses washed their hands properly.
What are your experiences?
Len Miller