They influenced some of my decisons alright but only I can screw up my life if I alow myself to live in fantasy of any sort so based on that I'd say no more that 3.
Did the Watchtower screw up your life ?
by JH 32 Replies latest jw friends
They screwed up my childhood, yes. Now that it's been something like a decade they no longer hold any negative influence on my life. What I'm now aiming to do is to make what they left with me a positive experience. In that, I'd like to use their ways as an example of how not to live and making myself a better person because of it. Ahh revenge can be so sweet!
When I was a kid, 10+.
As an adult I am the only one responsible for the choices I make good and bad.
I'll say 9 they took my self direction and determination away and the ability to enjoy life to the fullest. Not getting an education still affects me every day.
I would rate my parents 9's also.
Hard to say...I guess a 7.
Today was a bad day. I won't blame the WT, but would like to vent... I married young to a woman that decided she didn't and couldn't love me..immediately after marriage. She brought up divorce constantly and ran me into the ground emotionally....incredibly fault finding, nasty, controlling, but flawless in the eyes of the cong. No elder would listen when I asked for help. Later I would think she was trying to make me crack so she could get out of the marriage with no ill effects for her. I loved her dearly but it never mattered. I left her once after two nervous breakdowns and slept with a girl from work that actually wanted me. It was nice to be wanted after 10 years of rejection and I fell for it. I was immediately DFd. She wanted to work things out, I was reinstated. I stayed another 4 years...same constant emotional abuse. I finally left for good and was DFd again...stated to me that it was because there was something wrong with me. Coming up on two years out. Completely isolated and alone, I live in an apartment and have virtually nothing in my life but 16 years of wreckage. I find out today that she's remarried. I don't know why, but I'm crushed. I was never good enough for her...she got off "scot free" after deliberately running me into the ground relentlessly. So, she's remarried, her life on track. I'm out, alone and shunned by everyone I knew. Anyway, sorry to vent, but just the fact that my mom hid it from me that she was remarried and I had to find out through an e-mail...I know I shouldn't care. I wish I didn't care. The only thing I ever wanted was a life with her, children, etc. I was a very good husband, but it didn't matter. So I'm life to speak of, shunned by all former friends and family. Life is great.
38 Years
So I'm life to speak of, shunned by all former friends and family. Life is great.
I hope things get better. Welcome to the board. This board is a great start in healing from bad experiences. Don't let all this get you down. You deserve better treatment than you were given, so hang in there.
Don't assume she's having fun, daytona.
Things are rarely what they seem.
But if she is, that's great.
Now it's your turn.
You have time to start anew.
Good luck.
wha happened?
The only way for the WT to ruin my life was to allow them to do so. I allowed them to take away my only gift. Music. 20 years ago I hung up my instruments and bowed out of the music scene. Whether or not I would amount to anything was irrelevant. Trying gave me a purpose and a focus. It took years to figure that out and gain it back. But in the end. I gave them that power over me.
she's remarried, her life on track.
She's remarried, but i doubt her life is on track. I'm sure everyone thought her life was on track while married to you, yet she most definitely wasn't happy. Things are not always as they seem.