That made me want to get my rifle and try my own lobotomy. You might survive the suicide of college the same as you might survive putting a gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger.....Could sombody PLEASE tell me how to forward this to four of my close friends, my wife, son and parents WITHOUT them asking if I found this from apostate sources!!!! Please!!!......God I wish this was English.... If I had gone to college I might could understand more of it............oompa
Governing Body on Higher Education Gerrit Lösch Talk
by Magick 48 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
When I explained the no education stand to a non-JW friend of mine, she was quite surprised. She though it odd that a religion would want to dumb down it's followers into low paying jobs. She asked how the religion was going to finance itself. I explained how the legal organization has successfully gained real estate in prime markets. Also with corporations and other assets donated over the years, it's fairly self sufficient. And even with measly salaries the rank and file continue to pour their money into the machine. Whenever we have these conversations, (Not that I am defending JW's), She always has this look on her face as if I am trying to sell crazy.
I've heard general comments about this talk but never knew the details. This gets me kind of steamed. I know a number of folks that dropped out of colleged for the truth. One of them is a MTS grad and who lived in a barn loft for almost a year because he had no skills and took little jobs around town where he was assigned and that's all he could afford. And then when he couldn't afford that, he lived in his car. He talks about this stuff as he if get extra years added to his reward of "everlasting life".
I just had a conversation with a friend regarding education the other night. I mentioned that I wanted to talk to my sister about starting an education fund for her children. My friend asked why when the system will not be here long enough for them to us it. These people don't learn. This friend of mine chose bethel over university when we were younger and over the past several years has been in constant dire straits with a hand stretched open in my direction.
But here's what get's me steamed......the congregations are comprised mostly of women and minorities. When I hear the org say don't get an education, what hear is "Women, blacks and latinos, your life will be miserable if you go to college. It is better for you to remain oppressed by a system instituted by white males and the only way to ensure that happens is to make sure you don't read anything other than JW material and you absolutely must not develop any critical thinking skills. Be poor and stupid for Jehovah, its the best way to live. As a bonus for us, we can treat you as we please and you won't be smart enough to know that you don't have to put up with half the nonsense that we tell you to do." This is not a new feeling, I felt this way even as a zealous pioneer. I used to tell the teenage girls to go to college and spend their summers abroad in the ministry.
I take a very strong position on this issue. I always have, in fact, one of the charities I work with now assists in empowering women. It was probably toward the middle of my junior year in college that I began to realize that most of the elders were not capable of leading or managing anything. I saw all the inefficiencies in how tasks were carried out (I did offer my assistance in areas but was shot down). This is why they say "no education". I think I mentioned this before but one of the most-Stepford things I ever heard was several years ago at a pioneer meeting. The CO talked about how everyone wanted to be smart, wanted to improve themselves, "going back to school and carrying-on", how everyone had suggestions on how to improve the process, then he followed up with this "The organization doesn't need clever people, it needs obedient people." At the time, I quickly dismissed the thought to avoid making a scene. I've heard elders say from the platform on more than one occasion that "the world goes to college after high school but that witnesses should regular pioneer because that's our college."
I think education is a personal decision. There are plenty of financially successful people that never had a college education. But my point is, its a personal decision. How can they print this very point in the YPA book (I know because I used it as part of my justification) and various WT articles and then turn around and say "If you love Jehovah, you'll drop out or don't go to college to show how much you love Jehovah." Do you know how many teenagers in the org get knocked up or get someone knocked up because they have don't have any real aspirations? I've known several teenagers that have gotten girls pregnant while waiting for a response to their bethel application. Or the youngs girl that get involved with much older married men because their just passing time until they turn 20 or 21, at which point her parents will let her go "serve where the need is greater".
And if you decide to further your education, you are often judged and looked down upon as less spiritual. I remember when I was a started college, I was in my mid-teens, and everyone was telling me how I was going to fall for some boy, get pregnant and be left crying and sorry and then come running back to the congregation trying to find a husband but no one wants damaged goods. Why would anyone talk that way to a kid? Glad I'm out.
They are right about one thing, they are not "inspired" and one other thing is for sure...dem people is krazy.
Thank you for that link. I can't believe I used to swallow that crap. You can really see the mind control kick in when the people start to applauded before he finish with that beautiful illustration. WHEN WILL THEY WAKE UP AND SMELL THE BULL SH&*T
wha happened?
I know I've posted this several times but we had to support my sister-in-law when she made her decision to continue after receiving her associates degree. Although she is gainfully employed as a result of her education, she wanted to go further in her field. When I say we had to support her, it's because it makes the most sense. My wife and her sister grew up in poverty. Education is the only way out. Especially in the Latino community. I do know that most of the Dubs discouraging her already have an education.
This guy is an idiot.
Smart of them really, here's the rundown... publishers remain uneducated fools so you can serve Jehovah/us... never questions what jehovah/we say, and sell the hell out of our books... pretty smart really
don't go to college, but give me all your money so that i don't have to worry about financial matters.
good thing going to college is a rising trend in congregations around here.
There are reasons why people may choose not to go to college. Such people could drop out of high school and work on a music career (which many pop artists did, with quite a bit of success). Some may be able to start a business, or create something of great value, that colleges are not able to do any good with. Still others might not be able to handle college (usually those are the ones that are doing poorly in regular school despite their best efforts). Finally, finances might impede getting in.
Note that each of these reasons is an individual decision. For instance, if one were starting a new paradigm for linking the world together or developing a new energy source, college would be of little use and working hands-on is often the best approach. However, 99.9% of those who do not go to college would have been better off going.
And it's true that some people (a minority) get into trouble in college. These are the ones that binge-drink or get involved with drugs. Most people that get into college do not get involved in those things. Most are there to learn. If not to learn, at least to earn a certificate that will allow them to enter the mainstream employment system. Except for those who have a natural essence to pioneer in the workforce (and here, pioneering means going where no one else has been before, into unprepared territory, to pave the way for others to follow), people need to go to college if they are to have any hope for a decent paying job.
There is no way college can be compared to shooting oneself in the head. Most people that shoot themselves in the head either die or end up severely handicapped as a result, and it is a fluke if anyone ends up better off. Going to college usually results in getting out alive--it's the fluke if someone dies there, perhaps because of a shooting or an accident on campus or en route. But, most end up better off after graduating.
Dropping out of college? And what are they going to do when they get older? I suppose they don't think of what is going to become of them when they get to be 70 and up, and are no longer able to work as window washers. And I wonder what happens if someone develops a window that doesn't need to be washed because it washes itself. Already I have seen products like that showcased on Beyond Tomorrow. Self-cleaning toilets and carpets are also showcased there. Already, the Roomba cleans carpets, and there is a similar robotic floor mopper. What are those people going to do when a robot can clean and shampoo carpets, perhaps pairing a Rug Doctor with one of those electronic navigating devices? Those people are going to be in an economic depression, even if the general economy is booming at the time!
That reminds me of the earlier thread where the a$$embly talk added the letters D.E.A.D. to people's degrees. I wonder what the Tower is going to do when those people reach retirement age and need the money to buy prescription drugs or to enjoy the last few years of life. They don't seem to think people deserve to live and benefit from the use of their own lives. I am saying that, unless you already have your own business, are engrossed in a music or art career, are pioneering in a new field of work or starting a whole new type of product, or just cannot handle college, that you should definitely go and not drop out.
Jehovah's Witnesses continue to encourage study of the Bible over post-secondary secular education. Instead, Witness youths were encouraged to devote themselves in full-time ministry. This policy was moderated in 1992, but a 2005 Watchtower again discouraged college education. ] Since then, Witness leaders have lectured against pursuing college or university education due to the nearness of Armageddon.