Do you think there is more or less exploitation of women and children today compared to past centuries?
That is a really big question. "Exploitation" can be, and is, somewhat elusive to truly uncover. Aren't we all "exploited" in some way, shape, or form throughout history? How do you define "slavery" isn't that the greatest form of explotation?
Rather than get too long-winded, I'll simply state my beliefs. Things have changed little since the beginning of civilization, other than the way politics, religion, education, economics/mercantilism/consumerism, etc are marketed to the common man. If you scrape away the exterior, what is diffeent between the Middle Ages feudal sytem of Kings, Lords, Dukes...serfs, compared with today's Billionaires, Millionaires...wage slaves? It's the same sytem sold to us in a different way. It's very convincing that it is different because from an early age we are indoctrinated by an eduucational sytemm that tells us about how different it is. When you've learned enough through life's experience, if you continue to educate yourself by life's experience, always seeking knowledge and answers, you begin to see how the ruse works. The more you study history and compare with our day, the more you see the same sytems put in place for control of the masses, so that the fortunate few at the top of the political-financial, etc empire can retain their "rule" and subjugation of the masses. So, it comes back to "nothing new under the sun", I guess.
Have any improvements been made in the way the races interact, or are we where we were four hundred years ago?
I think that what happened in New Orleans post-Katrina answered that question better than I could hope to. All we need is a major disater like that on a large scale, and we'll all see just how much race relations, and human nature have really changed. Once the monetary systems collapse, it's going to be like post-Katrina worldwide times 100. No police, no military, no one to stop the madness. The markets, the Fed, and all the King's horses can only put lipstick on this pig for so long before it's "game over". That's not even taking into account the ecological collapse of this planet. I don't know the day nor the hour, but that day is coming.
BA- Preparing for that day.