"The FDS and its GB" - REVISION 2

by Doug Mason 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I have just released Version 2 of my Study, The “Faithful and Discreet Slave” and its “Governing Body”. It is available at:

    I would appreciate information on any corrections omissions.
  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Great work Doug , very impressed , this is a must save piece of work.....thanks

  • skeeder

    Thanks, Doug

    Got the download. This is super.


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Not working for me.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanx, Doug, for the file. Look forward to reading it soon and getting back to you. What little I've read so far is beautifully composed and intelligently written.


  • why144000

    Great Read, Doug. The only thing I could add is the fact that the accounts of the FDS recorded at different times, not about the same occasion. In the Report in Luke, Jesus was replying to a completely different question, at least 6 months before the report in Matthew. The timeline is shown in the back of the Interlinier Translation. How can a parable given by Jesus, at least six months apart, to two differnt questions, point to a fulfillment some 1881 years in the future?

  • why144000

    Sorry, a case of premature expectation! I should have studied the entire article before adding any comments!

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Hi all!

    I would like to thank you for your kind words.

    The fact is, of course, that I must thank all of you Posters at JWD for providing the inspiration, information, and resources, without whom I could never done this.

    Also, I must thank the people who provide this Forum, so that we can share our thoughts, concerns and experiences.

    So, well done to you all.


    PS. Regarding the FDS parable being given at two different times, locations and situations. In the back of my mind, and something I deliberately avoided, is the thought that we do not really know when Jesus delivered that parable. The accounts of Matthew, Mark and Luke are not intended to be chronological records, and are constructed in a manner that suited the liturgical needs of that group at that time.

    Hence we find Matthew grouping similar thoughts that might not have been delivered at the one time. For example, the grouping of the "Kingdom" parables at Chapter 13, and the "On the watch" parables of Chapters 24 and 25. It is possible we could include the "Sermon on the Mount" as a structured compilation designed to parallel the giving of the Law by Moses from a mount.

    I thought these ideas could have provided an unwelcome distraction, and would have added nothing to the thrust of the Study.

    Hopefully, the GB has received their copy of "our" Study.


  • buffalosrfree

    For some reason, I can't download from you reference don't quite know what to do about this problem any suggestions????

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    buffalosrfree (and others),

    I would not know why you are having difficulties with that site. So I have put the Study on my own web site, and you should be able to download it at:


    If you still have difficulties, you can write to me and I will email a copy to you. Also, Randy Watters says he has put it on his "Freeminds" site.


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