Met me JW neighbor last night walking her dog...I sais "still going to the Hall?"...and she said "Oh, sure, just went to a convention today. It was so boring"!!!!!!! anyone know the context of this one in the West Palm Beach area
by Sasha 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It was either her Circuit Assembly or Special Day. The District Conventions are in the summertime. As for the context of the material, I can only guess:
Preach more.
Give us your money.
No college for you.
Obey us or die.
If she admitted it was "so boring" that is a good start. With out knowing my guess is the assembly was about the following:
Do more service and place more magazines
Attend all meetings
College is bad
Internet is bad
and finially,
We are very very close to the end.
ive been to the "leaky teepee",,, (the old name for it before the dubs bought it)...for conventions...last time in Jan 07 for a circuit assembly...
very nice facility,,,,but just a gilded bird cage....still no freedom.... only went because of mom..
Snakes ()
The usual ...
Our crap don't stink. We're number one. Pagans will die! Christendom is led by the devil. The world sucks! Give more money!
Once you seen one of these wastefests, you have seen them all. It really makes no difference how long they are as to what the content is--the longer ones contain three times as much crap as the shorter ones do.
Met me JW neighbor last night walking her dog...I sais "still going to the Hall?"...and she said "Oh, sure, just went to a convention today. It was so boring"!!!!!!! anyone know the context of this one in the West Palm Beach area
Jesus approved the 'Faceless Diseased Slave" do you approve it... (pause for applause)?
I saw a JW assembly hall near Fort Lauderdale, I wonder if that's the one your JW acquaintance went to. I toured that hall, and it is really nice. Good landscaping, nice pond, modern interior.
They have French and Spanish language circus assemblies there too. I think you'd get just as much out of a French assembly as out of an English one. Just as much sleep, I mean.
Since I am not in your area I am unsure of which she attended. Ours are not scheduled until 2008 BUT here are both the Special Assembly Day and Circuit outlines:
S.A.D.-(never noticed the funny and sad all at the same time)
We are the clay....Jehovah is our Potter (Isa 64:8)
Morning Program ( I omitted songs, and baptism)
Wisely submit to our potter, Jehovah
Serving as Honorable Vessels in the Ministry
Meditation Will Saveguard You
Not "Fashioned After This System of Things"Afternoon Program
Watchtower Summary
Youths Who Are Useful to Jehovah
Vital Role of Parents in the Molding Process
Be Molded by the Great PotterCIRCUIT ASSEMBLY- Do All Things For God's Glory- 1Cor 10:31
9:40 Music
9:50 Song No. 175 and Prayer
10:00 Why Give God Glory?
10:15 Theocratic Ministry School
11:00 Song No. 106 and Announcements
11:10 The Pioneer Ministry Glorifies God
11:35 Dedication and Baptism
12:05 Song No. 96
1:20 Music
1:30 Song No. 1
1:35 Experiences
1:45 Symposium: Glorifying God in All Aspects of Our Life
*Jehovah’s Name – Of Paramount Concern to God’s People
* In Our Dress and Grooming
* “Whether You Are Eating or Drinking”
* When “Doing Anything Else”
2:45 Song No. 43 and Announcements
2:55 Take Delight in Reflecting God’s Glory
3:25 Be Exemplary in Meeting God’s Requirements
3:55 Song No. 47 and Prayer
4:55 Song No. 11 and Closing Prayer
9:40 Music
9:50 Song No. 16 and Prayer
10:00 Daily Text Reminders Stir Us to Glorify God
10:10 Symposium: Rendering Sacred Service to Praise Jehovah
* Appreciating Our Privilege of Sacred Service
* Sharing Regularly in the Field Ministry
* Praising Jehovah in the Congregation
* Other Facets of Sacred Service That Honor God
11:00 Song No. 104 and Announcements
11:10 Watchtower Summary
11:40 Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit
12:05 Song No. 50 and Intermission
1:20 Music
1:30 Song No. 37 and Prayer
Public Address: Who Are the People Who Glorify God?
2:25 Song No. 10 and Announcements
2:35 Remain “Firmly Set in the Truth”
3:05 Unitedly Glorifying God Worldwide
3:35 Song No. 34 and Closing Prayer has downloads of outlines.
thanks, I agree with the Wizards reply...been to one, you're been to all