by stay young and beautiful 58 Replies latest jw friends
I feel sorry for the medical staff that had to idly stand by and watch this young woman die, knowing they quite possibly could have saved her life.
Although I have never been a JW, this is reminding me of when organ transplants were forbidden and many died by refusing them and remained "faithful", while others were shunned and disfellowshipped over this infraction. Now miraculously, it is allowed and not considered cannibalism. "Old light=new light, and what was once wrong is now considered right.
The blame for the shedding of innocent blood should fall directly on the shoulders of "the powers that be" in this satanic organization for misleading and tragically ending the lives of so many people.
Jesus would certainly allow blood transfusions to save human lives. The Sabbath law was just as binding upon the Jews as the law against eating animal blood. Showing that such laws could be disobeyed if a human life is at stake, Jesus said: "Who will be the man among you that has one sheep and, if this falls into a pit on the sabbath, will not get hold of it and lift it out? All considered, of how much more worth is a man than a sheep! So it is lawful to do a fine thing on the sabbath." (Matthew 12:11, 12) "And he said to them: 'Who of you, if his son or bull falls into a well, will not immediately pull him out on the sabbath day?' And they were not able to answer back on these things." (Luke 14:5, 6) JWs will likewise be speechless on Judgment Day when Jesus confronts them about their evil ban on blood transfusions even when human lives are in danger.
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new boy
It is indeed sad to see people killing themselfs for religion & politics.....been happening for a long time!
I feel so very very sorry for the father who has lost his bride, and the babies who have lost their mummy.
I hope they find peace and strength to see this horrible tragedy through.
This discussion has always fascinated me. A question: if eating blood is a sin, why are JW's not vegetarian? What do you think is in all meat? Eating blood and a transfusion are 2 completely different things. Now please don't tell me meat can be bloodless.
Also I can also assume the WTS is NOT 100% pro life as in this case. These people choose death-this can hardly be a pro life stance can it?
horrible life
I think if a person is unconscious, even if they have a no blood card taped to their forehead, the patient cannot tell you at that second that they don't want a transfusion, the Doctors should have the right to intervene, and do what they think is best.
This liaison committee, should be banned from all hospitals.
You can COMMENT, too!!!
Times Online
November 5, 2007
'Jehovah's Witness mother who died could have been me'
Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent of The Times
A woman who almost died when she refused a blood transfusion after giving birth to twins has described her distress at the case of Emma Gough, 22, the Jehovah's Witness for whom the decision was fatal.
Rachel Underhill, 32, remembers eight years ago being persuaded to tick the form refusing blood treatment by elders of the religion after she was admitted to hospital for an emergency Caesarean section when she went into premature labour with her babies in the breech position.
“I can even remember the anaesthetist waving her arms up and down saying, ‘Do you realise you are going to die, do you realise you are going to leave your babies motherless?'. I was terrified. But because of the religion I was brought up in, because of what I had been told to do, and because I was not in a fit mental state to change my mind, I refused to accept blood.”
Her babies, one of whom has cerebral palsy as a result of being ten weeks premature, were kept in the special baby care unit for six weeks. Rachel survived only after massive injections of iron and a diet of beetroot to restore her haemoglobin levels.
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It was only three years later, when elders at her Kingdom Hall refused to let her use disabled parking privileges to make it easier to bring her daughters to church, that she finally plucked up the courage to leave the religion. She brought about her own “disfellowshipping” by fabricating an adulterous affair, which got her out of both the religion and her unhappy marriage.
Now engaged to someone else and running a successful business with 70 offices nationwide, she has set up a website for others suffering for the faith and attempting to leave. The site gets 8,000 hits a day.
Ms Underhilll told The Times that she was “chilled” by the story of Emma Gough, who died within a few hours of having twins after refusing a blood transfusion, because “that could so easily have been me”.
She said: “It was déjà vu, my own story came flooding back to me all over again and I realised just how lucky I am to be alive. It was so like my own story she could have been me — a young mum, recently married. I feel so very sorry for her and her family.
“I also feel angry because this could all have been avoided if only the Jehovah's Witnesses would recognise how out of date and out of touch they are with other Christians on this matter, and change their policy. Instead, another person has died.
“I suspect the Jehovah's Witness Hospital Liaison Committee was there when she went, ensuring she did not have a transfusion, offering an alternative, in this case useless suggestions, stipulating to her and her husband what should and should not be done, instead of letting medics do the job they are supposed to do — save lives.”
Mr Underhill said that the hierarchy should change its policy but also called for the law to be changed to ensure this does not happen again.
“Hospitals can override parents' wishes when it comes to treatment of Jehovah's Witness children,” she said. “The same should be true of Jehovah's Witness adults. They should be allowed to administer a transfusion without fear of censure or legal action. After all, one day, like me, that person may see the light, leave the Jehovah's Witnesses and be grateful.
“I've just seen my own daughter — who has cerebral palsy — have a five-hour bowel and bladder operation. I was told she may need a blood transfusion and I was overjoyed to be able to sign the consent form saying the hospital could treat her in any way they felt best.
“If I had still been a Jehovah's Witness, the situation would have been very different and I find that shocking.”
To vist Rachel Underhill's website, go to
Nathan Natas
I'm sure that as an independent thinking Jehovah's Witness, ALEMAN will change his mind about the blood issue as soon as the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society tells him to.
(Aleman, I dedicate this post to YOU!)
Following on from the post earlier today about the Jehovah Witness “Emma Gough” who died after refusing a blood transfusion, we had a comment from Georgia which was very long and informative about The WatchTower Society Requirement and why Jehovah Witnesses refuse blood transfusions.
Here is Georgia’s comment:
This WatchTower Society requirement that Jehovah’s Witnesses must refuse to accept any blood transfusions dates back only to 1945. Misinterpreting the Old Testament prohibition against eating animal blood as a routine food item, the WatchTower Society began teaching in 1945 that receiving a blood transfusion was “eating human blood”. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that receiving an infusion of human blood into their body’s circulatory system is scientifically the exact same thing as eating or ingesting blood into their body’s digestive system.“A patient in the hospital maybe fed through the mouth, through the nose, or through the veins. When sugar solutions are given intravenously it is called intravenous feeding. So the hospital’s own terminology recognizes as feeding the process of putting nutrition into one’s system via the veins. Hence the attendant administering the transfusion is feeding the patient through the veins, and the patient receiving it is eating through his veins.” — The WATCHTOWER magazine, July 1, 1951.
Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse to acknowledge that when human blood is transfused into their body’s circulatory system that the transfused human blood remains to be human blood and continues to function as human blood. Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse to acknowledge that if blood is eaten, then the ingested blood enters the body’s digestive system, where the blood would be treated by the body exactly the same as it would treat a hotdog, a potato chip, or any other food item. Ingested blood would be completely digested and broken down into proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and waste; which are then either assimilated or excreted by the body.
The WatchTower Society uses scriptures which speak about the blood of slaughtered animals to teach Jehovah’s Witnesses that blood is “sacred” because blood is the “symbol of life”. Then, the WatchTower Society turns around and requires Jehovah’s Witnesses to sacrifice their own “life” to maintain the alleged “sacredness” of a “symbol” of the very thing they are sacrificing — their life. Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse to acknowledge that the WatchTower doctrine on blood moronically places a higher value on the SYMBOL than it does on the THING SYMBOLIZED.
In fact, the Old Testament scriptures permitted the eating of unbled animal meat, which the Bible treats exactly the same as eating animal blood itself. In isolated occasions, when humans needed to eat unbled meat in order to sustain their own human life, the Mosaic Law permitted such, but then required the eaters to fulfill the requirements of being “unclean” for a few days. Thus, the Bible recognized that the sustaining of human life was more “sacred” than maintaining the sacredness of animal blood. To do otherwise would be doing exactly what the moronic WatchTower Society does. It would make the SYMBOL more SACRED than the THING SYMBOLIZED.
In fact, the WatchTower Society is leading Jehovah’s Witnesses to disobey GOD and violate the Holy Scriptures in one of the most serious ways possible. Because humans were created in GOD’s image, GOD considers human life sacred. A Jehovah’s Witness who sacrifices their SACRED LIFE in order to maintain the sacredness of a SYMBOL of that SACRED LIFE varies little from those who profane life by committing suicide. Those Jehovah’s Witness Elders who teach and police this moronic doctrine vary little from common accessories to murder. The Bible is fairly clear in how GOD views murder, and how He deals with Murderers.
This moronic twisting of scripture would be laughable if not for the fact that it has lead to the pointless deaths of numerous Jehovah’s Witnesses in the past, and it will continue to lead to the pointless deaths of many more Jehovah’s Witnesses in the future.
The following website summarizes over 315 U.S. court cases and lawsuits affecting children of Jehovah’s Witness Parents, including 200+ cases where the JW Parents refused to consent to life-saving blood transfusions for their dying children: