I spoke to a member of the HLC for 2 hours on Saturday.......

by fifi40 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • fifi40

    I mentioned on a recent post about an elder who had asked to visit with me on Saturday...........he was a friend of my dad's for years. So he came on Saturday morning and we spoke for several hours in a pleasant and friendly manner but discussing a lot of Jw related subjects.

    So in light of the recent death of a young JW mum I thought I would share with you all some of the comments made by this elder who is one of 5 elders on the HLC for our area.

    He was quite proud of the work he does helping both JWs facing the situation of blood transfusion and his dealing with the medical staff involved. I told him I would have a blood transfusion now if it was deemed necessary and that I would battle for my son to have one, who is nearly 15, despite the fact that his father has bought him as a JW. He said at this age it is likely that his feelings would be taken into account in the event of a refusal of a blood transfusion. My son is not baptised.

    To me this is disgusting that people think they have the right to play God with people's lives.

    I discussed issues with him about why certain blood fractions are a matter of conscience, and he gave me the usual explanations and illustrations, one of which is that even meat bled properly contains some blood.........

    I told him that since being out of the witnesses it is like I have took ten steps back and that I now question the reliability and truth of the organisation (I was trying to be polite).........I bought several issues up other than the blood issue such as birthdays and the dates that have been set for Armaggedon and disfellowshipping..........his answer in the main is that if the organisation has not got it right at the moment it will be corrected........

    That seemed to be his general conclusion.......if we havent got it right it will in time get sorted.......what sort of defense is this when it is costing people their lives both literally and figuratively.

    It seemed to me that they are running out of answers......they almost anticipate questions they are not able to answer honestly and dismiss it with 'If we havent got it right yet'.

    He said to me on a couple of occassions....'But you know it is right'.......to which I answered........'No I dont'......that kind of mind manipulation no longer works on me thank you very much!

    I actually feel sorry for the many that have wasted their whole lives supporting this false religion and its false teachings clinging ferverently to the false hope of life everlasting....

    If you are studying with the JWs or a JW who has doubts please please please look into it very carefully with your eyes wide open......search through boards like this that have many threads on the reasons this religion has got it wrong, factual evidence.......before committing yourself and wasting the life we have.


  • Gill

    Well, Fifi! I thought he wasn't going to talk about anything 'spiritual'?

    I'm afraid the man you are talking about is so deeply engorged in the power trip his position gives him that he will never, at his age, be able to see or accept that he is just a deluded old fool! Pity him! Though I'm not sure he deserves it from some of the cases I've heard about that he's dealt with. If you really want your medical details given out to all and sundry this is the man to approach if you are a JW with a blood transfusion problem!

    Heaven forbid you ever have a personal, and very embarrassing medical problem. He and his wife will not hold back from tittle tattleing with the whole congregation!

    I haven't even spoken to him for 5 years and yet my mother gives me all the 'juicy details' of his latest hospital exploits!!

    Doctors are such idiots to divulge their patients welfares to fools who seek to be popular and appear powerful! These are the sorts of people that by and large are involved with the HLC committees!!

  • megsmomma

    I am glad your visit with him went well, and you got to make some solid points that may help him to re-examine what he is doing. It is so weird to me that "we" can see things crystal clear, while "they" are so blinded by the Watchtower. I think what you said about taking steps back and then looking at it makes a world of sense.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Fifi,

    Thank you for sharing this conversation with us. QUESTION: Have you heard of or seen Kerry Louderback-Wood's article [available in booklet form] entitled "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions and the Tort of Misrepresentation"? With such information available, in addition to all the fine work Gill and others have been doing, the mind boggles that such ignorance about deceit and coercion should continue unabated.

    Of course, you know what we're dealing with ...


  • Pubsinger

    You should have asked why ACCEPTING blood fractions is a matter of conscience when GIVING blood isn't.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE (from a JW perspective) to use blood fractions without SOMEONE breaking "God's Law"

    It's like accepting a set of wheels from a stolen car . . .

    and last I checked that wasn't a matter of conscience . . .

  • Blueblades

    CC. How is that Tort of Mispresentation going? Can you give me an update?

  • Blueblades

    I meant Misrepresentaion.

  • Blueblades

    Tort OF Misrepresentation. I don't use spell check and type too fast sometimes.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, BB:

    Will do some research and get back asap ...


  • BrentR

    Listening to anyone defend the JW's is just like listening a woman that is in an abusive relationship. You will not get a straight answer and most of the ones you get will be prefaced with "but....".

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